Being a space holder
There is a huge amount of energy at play in our lives originating from intense cosmological activations; other people’s energy field; the collective consciousness and not forgetting our own thoughts & feelings. As Light Workers and Empaths we become very impacted by the energy at play in our lives and need to know how to protect our light so we can continue to be a space holder for others.
If you are unable to safeguard your light you become prone to energetic manipulation and you will find your frequency lowering and leading to density & depletion. It becomes increasingly difficult to hold a vibrational space for yourself & others.
As a Light Worker your light purpose on this Earth is to be a vessel of light and a wayshower for yourself and others. With a lowered vibration from negative energy impact this becomes difficult. You are unable to fulfill your role as light worker! If you are not fulfilling your destiny & purpose you become frustrated and unable to connect with your higher gifts.
The good news is that energy protection can be done through the use of light tools, energy techniques and setting energy boundaries for yourself.
Check out my Divine Light Rising coaching & community membership. We have tons of tools in there to help you protect your light.
Why we find it so difficult to be boundaried
We all have someone in our life to whom we feel overly indebted. When we feel overly responsible for them we tend to ‘overdo’ and adopt ‘people-pleasing’ behaviours. This is often the case for Empaths, HSPs & Light Workers with regards to their children, friends, colleagues, partners, etc.
Are you surrogating someone because of kamic debt?
If you find yourself overdoing, or people-pleasing for a reason you cannot fathom, this will be sapping your internal energy. It will eventually leave you feeling drained and depleted, leaving little light for yourself and others. Ultimately it will disempower you! It is time for you to step up and reclaim your light & energy!
You will most likely have a karmic bond or tie with this person. When Karma plays out you feel beholden and often overwhelmed by the expectations of others towards you. You may even find yourself surrogating the other person.
You are surrogating someone when you:
feel overly responsible for them
continually prevent them from learning from their mistakes
don’t allow them to respond to life in a self-empowered way
try to co-erce them into a way of being that they may resist
continually worry about them and overthink situations
I believe that we live through many past lives with different soul beings. Along the way we accumulate unresolved issues which play out in our present reality with the same soul. This will present itself differently in this current life time but we have the opportunity to resolve and untangle it. This is known as a soul contract.
How does karmic debt stop you from setting good boundaries?
Our Karmic bonds embed themselves into our perceptions & beliefs and influence our attitudes & behaviours. They are so ingrained within us that we find it hard to break the resulting patterns. These patterns are deeply embedded within and need to be challenged!
Surrogation does not allow for someone to respond to life in a self-empowered way and will do them a disservice! Therefore the realisation of when we are surrogating another is crucial to our light work.
Check out my Divine Light Rising coaching & community membership for more guidance on severing karmic bonds & setting energy boundaries.
Mastering the art of detachment
When you allow yourself to be caught up in the emotions of a situation you worry and dream up worst-case scenarios and all of this is felt energetically by all involved (including children, partners, friends, colleagues, even pets). You try to control or manipulate the outcome as you don’t want to feel their pain & struggle and keep them locked in the same energetic space by worrying about them.
If you don’t allow others to make, respond to & fall with their mistakes, they miss the learning & will experience a repeat of these patterns!
Detachment is certainly not being uncaring and is very necessary! It is undoubtedly important to guide & support your loved ones - but not to ‘overdo’ for them!
Your job is to hold a loving space for them as a part of your Light Worker role. You can advise and guide lovingly BUT this space disappears the moment you become too emotionally invested!
You always need an energetic balance for what unfolds in your life. The challenges that you face have been mapped out for you – governed by a much higher force – a part of your soul plan. You traverse many challenging situations & circumstances in order to grow.
Become the true vessel of light you are intended to be and step into a new, empowered & balanced reality!
Approach each unfolding situation through higher consciousness
Detach emotionally by placing your trust in the loving guidance of the Universe
Understand the bigger picture & see the opportunities for spiritual growth
Sever energetically from the situation or at least not be so emotionally involved
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