The wisdom of forgiveness

For many people the idea of Forgiveness can feel very challenging because we all at some point in our life have had traumatic, upsetting or abusive experiences. These past events can trigger feelings that feel intensely real for us because we have not yet fully forgiven those involved.

Our need for forgiveness can involve a person, loved one, colleague, friend, situation, organisation or even our self.

Sometimes we have an illusion of forgiveness because we have buried the traumatic or painful memory deep inside of our self, only to discover years later that it is still festering within us.

Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom which is painful but signifies that we are ready to truly let go of our past hurts, anger, resentment and forgive so that we can move forwards in a self-empowered way.

Forgiveness can be difficult for us, as many of us have never been trained to practise it. People can even be afraid that if they forgive, they become weak or vulnerable.

Remember you do not have to do this alone!

For more support & a deeper dive, check out my Divine Light Rising membership


Forgiveness is a very powerful feeling to embody and a true mastery in the moment especially when our resentment and anger is being triggered.

We have to get out of our own way and train our ego to let go of past hurts and traumatic experiences. Our Ego needs to take a back seat allowing Soul to lead.

The goal is not to forgive and forget but to clear our inner tension and turmoil’. Unknown

When we have not fully forgiven we hold onto the memory of the trauma and we remain in the past by reliving the pain - it becomes part of who we are. These painful memories keep us locked in negative patterning and colour all that we believe, think, feel, say and act upon. We tend to use a mixture of distraction, suppression or overwhelm instead of introspection, anything rather than face our painful and uncomfortable feelings. This eventually impacts upon our physical body and we become disconnected from our Soul self and disempowered from our higher gifts.

However, if we practise true Forgiveness, this re-opens us up to our intuitive guidance & gives us clarity and discernment over which relationships are nourishing or depleting for us. We can forgive and choose to have distance if we need it.

Simply setting our intent to forgive and forget will probably not work – as this will not be enough. We need to our inner work! Forgiveness is one of the hardest emotions to embody but one of the most powerful acts of kindness we can give to our self! Self-healing comes from true self-forgiveness and our forgiveness of others.

When we embody Forgiveness, we enter a deeper etheric chamber of the heart and enhance a heart-based consciousness. This brings through the vibration of love which is of such a high frequency that density cannot co-exist.


Ready to find your tribe?

Check out the Divine Light Rising membership for a deeper dive & support with this important inner work!

To help you start your forgiveness work, use my powerful 8 steps to forgiveness technique below.

My 8 steps to Forgiveness process:

1.    Pay attention to your inner dialogue, feelings of judgement and criticism towards yourself and others to identify what needs releasing.

2.    Write down what you need to forgive of others and of yourself

(including the Universe, organisations, groups of people, situations, individuals, deceased people and yourself, etc).

3.    Set your intent to forgive the person, organisation, situation, etc.

4.    Bring them into your mind using visualisation and without engaging the mental, allow yourself to feel the negative feelings as they arise.

5.    Allow those feelings to come into you so that you can release them.

6.    Remember it is OK not to be OK. Negativity is not comfortable!

7.    Bring your focus down into your heart chakra and feel pure love for that person or organisation, etc.

8.    Hold onto this feeling of pure love until you feel your pain subsiding.

Practice this daily until you notice a shift in how you feel towards that person or organisation

For a deeper dive -

Access 2 powerful resources to further support you in your forgiveness work:

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Divine Light Rising MEMBERSHIP

Zoe Whitehead