The Lunar Light Worker Membership was created to guide soul-led women like you, to raise and sustain your vibration and to retreat from the chaos of everyday living, enabling you to replenish your light through aligning with the lunar, cosmic & earth cycles for more flow, ease & grace.

Weaving in powerful high-frequency energy in the form of energy healings at the new & full moon, enables members to protect and expand their light to become the highest version of themselves.


Meet Zoe,

A strong fascination with moonology, cosmology & it's impact, allows me to sense changes in the collective, flow with the natural cycles and harness the potent energy of the moon phases and cosmic/seasonal cycles. 🌛🌜

I guide you to align with the natural lunar, cosmic & Earth vibrations and harness their potent energies.

This will enable you to gain clarity, insight and release for expansion & soul growth.

I am a cosmic energy mapper, moon circle host, Light Worker, & healer of light and have trained in different countries in Transference Healing and attended it’s mystery school.

From an early age I have always sought deeper connections with people on a soul level through an ability to sense people’s energy and emotional landscape and lunar/cosmic influences. I was also deeply aligned with light beings as a child and have always had a fundamental desire to be of service through my gifts.

Zoe, Founder of Lunar Light Worker xx

The Lunar Light Worker Membership is a transformative space beyond just a moon circle. It's crafted for women seeking profound alignment with lunar, cosmic, and Earth cycles, longing to reconnect with inner wisdom and spiritual roots.

Join me to discover divine teachings and healing in a safe haven—a place to navigate life with confidence and sovereignty.