Connecting to the Earth elements
The different elements, their associations and how they serve us
The Earth element
The Earth element includes our physical planet and all that grows and thrives within it and our personal environment: our mind and our physical body.
The healing elements of Mother Earth
The 4 elements of the Earth are Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
The Goddess, Mother Earth or Gaia (she has many different names) consists of a combination of all 4 of these elements.
The frequency of these elements impacts upon us and when they can come into balance within us, we are in harmony, physically well, have vitality, strength and wellness.
When they come into balance within us they create Ether - the 5th element – which consists of energy and light.
So when in balance we are effectively bringing in more light and energy into the body.
We are also able to tap into our inner Goddess energies and feel the divine feminine rise within.
Each element will impact upon us differently and is closely connected with a particular chakra which impacts on its surrounding organs.
This element is associated with stability, our roots and our ability to ground and connect to the Earth. Our ability to receive – water, nourishment, abundance, energy, etc is also connected to this element.
The Earth element is also associated with organic change and the natural death-rebirth cycles of Mother Earth.
The Earth element is closely linked to the base/root chakra. This chakra delegates our ability to connect to the Earth and to ground, our physical wellness and vitality, sense of security and sense of identity.
So we can resource and revitalise ourselves through the base chakra by connecting to Mother Earth for replenishment, revitalisation, abundance and growth.
How to connect with the Earth element:
Walk in nature frequently and take the time to connect and tune into nature’s bounty.
Pay attention to her intricate detail and wildlife. Marvel at her beauty and be inspired by her.
Honour the environment.
Create and consume natural foods in a thoughtful manner, connecting to where the food came from.
Give thanks and blessings for the natural abundance and beauty that surrounds us.
Try barefoot walking which will enable you to feel this element within you.
Crystals for grounding include: mookite, jaspers, haematite, etc.
If we are depleted in this element:
We become ungrounded if unbalanced in this element.
Being ungrounded can make us feel very floaty and it becomes difficult for us to do our everyday activities and complete tasks.
When we feel like this, it is important that we ground ourselves and connect to Mother Earth.
The Water element:
The water element is connected with the feminine energies, our emotional body and the moon. As we know, the moon frequencies govern the tides of seas and oceans and the rising sap of plants.
The Navel/sacral chakra is associated with the water element and our emotional body, the Goddess and moon frequencies.
The sacral chakra delegates our ability to express ourselves emotionally and speak our truth.
It also influences our intimacy levels, passion, and our sense of joy and happiness. It delegates our creative skills and how we generate and bring birth to our ideas from this area.
It also delegates our self-worth.
If we are depleted in this element:
When the sacral chakra and water element are not in balance within us, we can be in conflict with ourselves. We might go into fear or emotional overwhelm because we have a fear of feeling.
The moon cycle and water element when in balance will calm and cleanse our emotional body. It soothes, cleanses and helps us to release old emotional stuff that no longer serves.
How to connect to this element:
Spending time at the ocean and connecting to the flow of the tide and waves is very relaxing, purifying and therapeutic for us. The bigger the body of water, the more purification we get.
Rain is also very purifying, cleansing and introspective.
Showers/baths are good for cleansing away any old emotional stuff. Especially when combined with unprocessed sea salt.
Spend time connecting to the moon, her cycles and moon bathing.
A good crystal for soothing and calming the emotions is Carnelian.
The Fire element
This element is associated with the sun and the planet Mars. Fire is a powerful purifier and connects us to the masculine energies.
This element brings warmth, comfort, stirs passion within us and rapidly purifies our thoughts and feelings.
We have all heard the term ‘baptism of fire’ which represents the rapid clearing of unwanted thoughts, feelings and destructive negative patterns of behaviour.
It has a hot, quick energy that is capable of transmuting negative energy rapidly.
The fire element is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra – which is our power centre. Through this chakra, we connect to our inner power and other attributes such as our flight or fright response, physical strength, endurance, and stamina.
If we are depleted in this element:
When this element and chakra are not in balance, we can get energetic hook-ins from others in our life.
This area of the body gets very impacted energetically. We may experience strong and difficult karmic ties, emotional entanglement, and surrogation when this element and chakra are out of balance.
It is important to keep this area clear energetically. As we keep clearing, we can sever these karmic ties.
We can also get a feeling of stagnation, struggle to set healthy boundaries, and can be in emotional overwhelm.
How to connect to the fire element:
We can connect to the fire element intentionally by having a daily ritual of lighting candles, a log fire in our home/garden and by connecting to the sun.
Connecting to the sun at sunrise and sunset through meditation and deep states of contemplation, is very powerful.
Intentional Yogic sun salutations can also help connect us to the sun and fire element.
The Air element:
The air element is associated with our ‘inspiration’ – the act of breathing in, our life force and the process of being mentally stimulated and in the flow of divine ideas.
It is also associated with the intellect, ideas, dreams, divine inspiration, knowledge and travel.
This element holds more masculine energy.
This element has the ability to stir everything up whether it be ideas, feelings or thoughts.
The air element is connected with the Heart chakra which is one of the most important chakras because it is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras.
This chakra delegates our ability to feel love and unconditional for our self and others. It enhances our ability to self-care and nurture others.
The air element is very clearing and cleansing. Whether our own breath, the flow of energy within our bodies, a gentle breeze or high winds – this element helps us to cleanse and clear out thoughts and feelings. It can stir up inspirational thought and feelings and even create states of bliss within us.
If we are depleted in this element:
When this element is out of balance within us – we become too stuck on the mental plane and we tend to overthink things. We are not able to easily connect with our inner knowing and intuition for guidance and soul connection.
We may find it hard to make decisions or get inspiration or a flow of ideas for creative projects.
How to connect to the air element:
Practice regular breath work. Pranic/Nidra/rhythmic breathing are all practices that will help us to connect to the air element.
Wind chimes, garden windmills and feeling fresh air on our face also allows us to connect with this element.
Bringing the elements into our home
Rituals and alters:
Intentionally connect to the elements every day.
Create an alter in the home and/or garden. Light candles, place crystals (made from the elements), fresh plants or flowers and greenery from the garden. Include bowls of water with floating candles and petals in them.
Spend time walking in nature and by large bodies of water. Take the time to connect in and be receptive to the higher frequencies for healing, harmony and balance.
Celebrate the elements with festivals such as the Summer & Winter Solstices and Equinoxes. Pay attention to the lunar cycle – practice moon rituals and star gazing.
All of these practices will align our energy to the elements and the Goddess within.
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Love & light,
Zoe xx
Founder of the Light Worker Rising Community