Do you have a 3D or a 5D focus?

What does it mean to be in a 3D or a 5D consciousness and how do you know?

We have entered an age where we are moving from a 3D into a 5D focus. This is not a physical happening but more of a shift in our consciousness, perceptions & beliefs.

Cosmic activity is huge at this time causing an upsurge in energy which is impacting on the global weather patterns, planet and humanity as a whole. You are seeing these energetic shifts play out in communities all over the world.

Although the intensity is immense at times, this is the Golden Age – a time prophesised by the ancients as a powerful transition period where you are being given many opportunities for soul growth & expansion. You are being fully supported to shift in consciousness and step more into your light. The Earth’s frequency has shifted and is supporting this new way of living with a 5D focus!

However you may be struggling, as many are, due to a mis-match in frequency between where you are at and where you potentially could be. Perhaps you struggle to hold this new consciousness and bring it into your reality because you do not fully believe that you can and this is reflecting out in your reality.

Most of humanity are still stuck in a 3rd dimensional way of perceiving the world.

How do I know whether I have a 3D or 5D focus?


When operating purely from 3D awareness, you tend to ignore your Spirituality, have little or no spiritual beliefs, or can be stuck in religious dogma. You tend to see things in black and white, with little or no understanding of Universal ways and magic. You will often get caught up in daily drama, gossip, conflict and easily create painful or challenging situations for yourself.

You can become entrenched in a victim mentality which causes you to blame everyone else for what is yours to own. You struggle to see the bigger picture and spiritual meaning behind the circumstances that play out in your life.

Things to look out for when in a 3d consciousness:

  • You do not make a connection between your internal thoughts, feelings and beliefs and your outer reality.

  • Often you have no belief or faith in a higher force.

  • You are restricted and disempowered due to your limiting beliefs.

  • You often find yourself in victim mode and because of this you tend to project/blame others.


It usually takes you to undergo a few wake-up calls to shift into 5D consciousness. Often a life crisis causes you to re-evaluate and look for the deeper purpose to your life.

When operating under 5D awareness, you have a strong spiritual connection and understand that your words, thoughts, feelings and actions impact upon everyone in your reality, including yourself.

When you resonate at a heart and Soul level, you direct life via your inner feelings and intuition. This is a 5th Dimensional (5D) way of operating. Your mind is being constantly inspired through thought, intuition and imagination. Your life and your sense of compassion and understanding for yourself & others deepens as you stay focused on your higher calling.

The world appears the same in 5D consciousness but you become much more considered in everything you do and your new reality feels less harsh and more softened.

As you awaken and open up to 5D consciousness, you naturally become more self-responsible. Being self-responsible helps you to make wise and perfect choices for yourself. Often your choices are for the highest good of all and not just for you.

Your relationships & choices will be impacted

You may start to see gaps forming between yourself and those closest to you. You may even feel naturally inclined to move away from people who purely operate in 3D consciousness because time spent with them can become draining & uninspiring, especially at first.

Relationships can go through big challenges if you awaken and your partner or friend is not ready to yet. Once awakened you may be evolving at an accelerated rate, and loved ones may not be. You have to remember that we are all at different levels of consciousness. This is Soul’s choice and you must respect the timing of your own awakening to your divine self and the free will of all.

If you choose to operate at a 3D level you won't notice much of a difference in everyday life, but may not feel comfortable around people who are living with a 5D focus. This is because you feel the shift in consciousness and may even feel confronted by it!

When you operate at a 5D level of consciousness, you will naturally turn away from that which doesn't align with, feed, nurture and inspire your higher soul self. For example, people, hobbies, creative pursuits and career paths may change. You will start to attract others who are also operating with a 5D awareness.

Relationship breakdowns are common during a changeover to 5D consciousness. But 5D awareness can also often bring willing souls even closer together.

Sometimes you can feel sad and alone when starting to operate on a higher frequency. This does pass, as you find a way to be your new higher soul self around others.

As you move away from old dramas, a new ‘more supportive’ life creates itself around you. Your life choices will rapidly shift and you will choose healthy and nourishing options for yourself.

You will re-visit your past and old patterns and this enables you to see clearly how limiting it was to get angry with others in the old 3D way.

The main traits of a 5D consciousness:

  • You understand that you co-create your reality through what you believe about yourself and the world.

  • You have an unquestioning belief and connection with higher forces – energy, universal force, spirit guides, elementals, other realms, etc.

  • You can discern between your own and other people’s energy & the energy of different places.

  • You start to hold the consciousness that you can self-heal or have the potential to.

  • You become much more soul-led in the way you live your life so you can channel through inspired thoughts.

  • You believe in a universal connection & are more community-driven and make decisions for the highest good of all.

  • You are able to navigate the collective consciousness.

To ensure you remain in 5D consciousness:

You need to keep the bigger picture in mind & understand that all things happen for a reason to ultimately support your spiritual growth & empowerment.

Being able to harness energy, run it on yourself and understand that you have an energetic influence on others & your environment is important!

You need to be prepared to dive deep into your shadow work.

You will feel your shifts and start to self-master through your higher gifts, living your reality in a physical world but in higher consciousness. This is total embodiment which allows you to take ownership of what unfolds in your life & reality.

To dive in deeper, access a free, powerful tool to help you anchor through & sustain your 5D focus:

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find out how you can work with me!


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We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.

In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.

We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.

Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!



Zoe Whitehead