being a spiritual warrioress
Stepping into the role of spiritual warrioress is not intended to be easy! As you embark on your journey of soul discovery, you are pushed to expand & make deeply aligned choices for yourself. As you do so you will find your inner desires rise up & you may become uncomfortably aware that your cup is not yet full!
Focussing on your soul desires will energise them. The Universe senses this & will start to put the wheels in motion. Situations and circumstances arise to allow this co-creation to crystallise within your reality.
More often than not your desires do not unfold in the way you intended or imagined! This may cause you confusion and throw you off course as you might not see the connection between what you put out there and what appears to be occuring in your life. You may not realise that this is part of a bigger transformational process and that you have to get out of your own way and let this process play out & weave into the fabric of your existence.
Spiritual anxiety:
You can experience spiritual anxiety as part of the ascension process. You start to feel a vibrational mis-match and the lag between what you are desiring as a spiritual warrioress & where you actually are in your reality. What is reflected outwardly no longer mirrors who you are becoming inside!! This vibrational mis-match may cause you angst & anxiety because you are being so pushed but at the same time hold a lot of resistance!
You start to feel the energetics of what binds & restricts you in moving fowards. You may feel increasingly more uncomfortable and limited. You may find that being honest with yourself and others is needed at this time. The old stories from your past continue to echo resitance for you. You cannot define yourself by your victim story & expect to succeed! It is time to let them go.
As a spiritual warrioress you will feel the fire fiercely burning from within. This fire rises up from a willingness to break the chains of the past so that you can transform into your new you. You are passionate about who you are becoming and yet the resistance may linger.
Some common signs of resistance thinking:
Perhaps you have been afraid to rise up and shine due to fear of exposure & judgement
Perhaps you fear that people around you will not ‘see’ you for who you are becoming
Maybe you find yourself in social situations & are unable to articulate your wisdom
Others may be keeping you locked into old patterning with their outdated stories of you
Or you are desperate to be of service through your unique gifts & talents but these are not fully anchored in yet
This resistance is OK and ultimately part of your empowerment process!
Becoming a spiritual warrioress:
As you start to walk your path of light as a spiritual warrioress, you will experience initiations around your inner power. These initiations will be coming thick and fast in the form of lessons to teach you how to come into balance around the way you use your power. When you are neither underpowered or overpowering you bring more light into the world. This is a rite of passage that you go through to become stronger and more resilient.
‘During the chrysalis phase a caterpillar grows its wings. It has a liquid in its belly that enters the wings as it pushes through the chrysalis. Through its struggle, the liqud solidifies and powers its wings’. Unknown
The dance of a spiritual warrioress:
she stands tall & strong, resonating much fearlessness
she knows who she is and knows her worth
she is able to stand her ground with love and be boundaried
she is not afraid of picking up the sword of truth to cut through illusion
she owns who she is becoming
she is not afraid of delving deep into her shadow aspects
she is deeply connected with nature and the elements
she honours herself and protects her energy
she fiercely defendswhat is important to her
Be ready to become the sovereign leader that you were born to be and reclaim your birthright!
A true warrioress does not allow the guilt & fear of not fitting in to outweigh the pain of not becoming who she was destined to become - for in her heart she knows it is written in the stars!
To dive in deeper and reclaim your power:
Access free resources to help you reclaim your power & connect to divine will:
Get inspired and supported to shine your own unique light through our high frequency posts & weekly lives.
We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.
In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.
We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.
Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!
This deep alchemical healing will shift you through your blocks and align you with your Soul’s path