Getting into stillness and beyond your struggle
You are experiencing continual death-rebirth cycles governed by the moon, planetary forces and your own personal cycle. You are learning to let go of those aspects of you which no longer serve, enabling you to absorb more light and co-create the reality you desire.
However you can become stuck in the clearing part of these cycles when the discomfort & fear rises to the surface. It feels challenging and you may struggle with this aspect which takes you out of yourself! Losing your faith and disconnecting from Soul can arise if you get too caught up with your inner turmoil and conflict.
This can cause you to become stuck in this death/rebirth process for long periods of time, leaving you feeling uncentred & disconnected, missing an opportunity for soul growth & expansion.
During these periods of struggle you will face resistance. It can be frightening to acknowledge what you don’t want to see, creating action paralysis.
‘We hesitate through fear to turn inwards and ‘see’ what we don’t want to, when in reality it can only be beautiful!’ - Be Your Light
Perhaps you are fearful of:
taking a wrong turn & regretting your actions
criticism & self-judgement towards you
being unable to cope with the consequences of change.
These are some ways in which you might block and limit yourself from moving forwards into the totality of who you are becoming. You might feel that there is a higher version of you on hold and waiting to rise.
‘Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness’ - Eckharte Tolle
Learn to transcend your feelings by being in stillness
Understand and acknowledge that what is unfolding in your life right now is part of this cycle of growth. Daily inner practice and time dedicated to moments of stillness will help you re-connect to your divine mind.
It is natural humaness and your divine masculine tendancy which will want to ‘fix’ everything. But not everything in your life needs ‘fixing’!
You may resist your feelings but this will not allow you to truly clear them; strengthen and become the beautiful vessel of light that you are intended to be.
There is wisdom in waiting until your emotions have settled & cleared. Get out of the turbulent waters and sit on the mountain top. True mastery is built with inner strength & sovereignty! There is power in the now! If your world has descended into chaos and confusion at this time, do not make decisions! If you find yourself in a situation that feels big, unclear & confusing, give yourself permission to feel your discomfort and wait until your emotional waters settle…Let go of outcome & simply be...There is great wisdom in waiting.
Carve out time to be in stillness & dance with your fears. Journal them, speak them out loud, acknowledge them, but do not give your power away to them!
‘A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.’ - Marie Angelou
Are you the master of resistance? Check in with yourself:
Have you been avoiding your inner feelings, truths & guidance?
Are you deliberately keeping busy and not honouring yourself with time for self-reflection?
Are you continually talking but forgetting to listen?
Are you overthinking but with no final resolution?
Are you preoccupying yourself with other people’s problems?
Are you continually getting healings/therapy as a way to not process your feelings?
How we can navigate our cycle of growth:
When you step up & own the creation of your life you become a leader. A true soul-led leader knows when not to take action and when to sit for a while in stillness. A true leader knows that BEING is as valid as DOING.
Allow yourself to sit with uncomfortable feelings which may be arising. Allow yourself to explore all possibilities and feel into them with your heart & soul. As more feelings rise up gently surrender & let go of outcome.
The Universe & Soul will guide you to where you need to be. The deeper your faith, the more you allow yourself to be led, receptive & open…And you will be guided to a place of majesty & sovereignty.
Go easy on yourself – the path of surrender is not an easy one! Keep your energy close as you tentatively feel into your pain. When you come through to the other side you will see your soul self and the beautifully divine process which has led you there.
Gift yourself the gentle reminder to be the person you came here to be – a being of light living out a human experience.
‘I believe in you, beautiful sister of light, for I know that you have totally got this!’ - Be Your Light
For a deeper dive into the art of surrender and free resources to support this vital inner work:
Get inspired and supported to shine your own unique light through our high frequency posts & weekly lives.
We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.
In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.
We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.
Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!
This deep alchemical healing will shift you through your blocks and align you with your Soul’s path
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