Are you in divine flow?

You are cyclical by nature. Just as the seasons come and go, you have an internal flow and natural rythm of energy. The ancients understood the need to be deeply connected & aligned to nature and to flow with the seasons of change & their own personal cycles. The tides of the seas & oceans, governed by the lunar cycle, ebb & flow and so do you. When you have had an ebb - you can expect flow!


But like many, you may have forgotten, ignored or suppressed your divine flow!

Our society is largely dominated by masculine energy and the misuse of this energy - to the detriment of the divine feminine. The expectations and demands of society are such that many people are in routine jobs which do not allow for the flow of their energy.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Were you taught to ignore your own personal rhythm & female cycle?

  • Do you feel pressured to push through your tiredness & fatigue?

  • In your world is action-taking highly valued?

  • Do you leave little time for simply being & going inwards to restore, reflect & connect?

  • Do you take the time for self-care & complete rest where you can?

  • Do you tend to be DOING rather than BEING?

  • Are you action-orientated rather than going inwards first & foremost?

The chances are you are not being soul-led or listening to your intuition enough and therefore not able to fully embrace your divine flow!

There is a desperate need for balance within our own lives & society. This is becoming more obvious with the rise of the feminine!

‘The divine feminine is on the rise! If you still yourself long enough you can feel her power from within!’ - Be Your Light

We are all being so pushed to align with our highest divine feminine self. Perhaps you feel an internal yearning & desire to be more understood? Or maybe you feel unfulfilled as you know you have gifts but you are uncertain of how to bring them out into the world!?

By connecting more to your divine flow you can start to step more into your power and your spiritual attributes!

A big part of being in Divine flow is divine timing. Its like there are two timings - man-made and divine timing!

Do you worry that you run out of time or don’t have enough?

·      This can lead to a lot of stress & overwhelm that takes you out of yourself

·      When you can trust in this process you are more in your flow

  • Everything you intend & desire has its own relationship to time

·      All will come to you in the perfect form and the perfect moment

·      Your timing is always perfect

·      Respecting & accepting this helps you to connect to your flow

‘ Even if we are struggling, we always have time to choose how we experience our reality’. Colette Baron-Reid

How do you know you are in the flow?

You will have periods when you experience synchronicity - the sequence of green lights; the perfect chance encounters; the unexpected kindnesses, etc.

Being in your divine flow and experiencing synchronicity is a state of being. It feels magical! Experiencing this flow will support you through the times when you are in periods of struggle. Your faith will allow you to move through your challenges with more grace. You will understand that when you have experienced flow you can expect an ebb for these states co-exist within you!

How your own internal flow connects you to nature’s cycles:

The Universe & nature comprises divine masculine & feminine energy. You have both energies naturally within you but not necessarily in balance!

The DIVINE FEMININE ENERGY enhances your ability to be:

  • nurturing, gentle, loving, receptive, open, psychically aware & intuitive. It is a fluid, unstructured, flowing & inward energy.

The DIVINE MASCULINE ENERGY enhances your ability to be:

  • action-orientated, disciplined, creative, logical, determined, ambitious & driven. This energy is structured, action-orientated & outward.

These two energies come into complete balance within the Universe/Source. They shape & influence your internal flow.

In the Autumn & Winter phase - nature is in the divine feminine energy and is inwards. Growth slows and comes to a stand still. You have the least amount of energy & light. You feel introspective & quiet at this time.

It is important to rest if needed, not to overload yourself and to create balance & nurture within your life.

This will prepare you for the Spring & Summer phase when you have more light, energy, growth and nature shifts into the divine masculine. There is more creative energy at this time, your ideas are as fertile as the land and everything is in bloom internally and externally.

Our own inner cycles & flow are connected & mirror nature’s cycles of change.


How to connect more to your divine flow:

·      Live by YOUR OWN flow and rhythm as much as possible

·      Let go of the demands & expectations of others & other people’s stories!

·      Rest when you need to and don’t overload yourself in your winter period!

·      Nurture all aspects of your life & take action when something needs to shift & change

·      Balance your internal energies to move into divine flow & live with more ease & grace

To dive in deeper - access our powerful moon magik series & align to the lunar frequencies:

Your next steps and how we can help you:

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To dive in deeper & expand your light - check out our Divine Light Rising membership:


We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.

In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.

We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.

Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!


Zoe Whitehead