8 Main Characteristics Of A Light Worker And Are You One?
Have you ever wondered if you’re a Light Worker and what the role of a Light Worker is?
Our times have been forseen by many ancient & sacred communities as the times when the light returns to the Earth. Gradually we have been preparing for this Age of Light which we finally entered in 2012. At this time a powerful energetic shift occurred for the planet and humanity. Many Light Workers felt their calling and many souls have been rapidly awakening since this auspicious time and continue to do so.
You have been probably drawn to this blog post because you are feeling this calling too!
What is a light worker?
A Light Worker is a Soul who has chosen to be on Earth at this time, to help evolve consciousness. Although this may sound overwhelming, it isn’t!
Light Workers have an innate ability to transmute negativity, pain and darkness into the light. By doing so, you gradually learn to anchor more light into your body. Through this process you help others to do the same and give them permission as they watch your journey through the light.
As a Light Worker you can shine your light in many different ways. The more inner wounding and inner child healing you can do by working with your shadow aspects, the more light you can embody as you become a vessel of light. By going through this process you support others with their awakening.
Light Worker are everywhere, living in different countries accross the globe. They are of different races, genders, ages, and cultures. Light Workers are needed in all fields of work and interest to shine their light out into the world.
You do not necessarily need to become a spiritual healer, teacher or leader or even work in the spiritual industry to work your light effectively and have an impact on those around you.
You will have been preparing for your light mission & soul purpose over many life times.
Many of the following traits of a Light Worker will strongly resonate with you if this is truly your Soul purpose and mission.
Because of love, I have become a giver of light ~ Rumi
8 characteristics of a light worker
1. you feel your inner power rising but may not know how to harness it
Deep inside you know that you are destined to do something significant in your life and be of service to humanity in some way. But for a long time you may have been unclear as to the ‘what’ and the ‘how’.
This would have and may still be causing you feelings of frustration, restriction and limitation, as you feel your inner potential but do not know how to bring it through into the world in a way which will serve others.
2. A way of seeing the world that may seem a little off beat
As a Light Worker you will have always felt compelled to raise the vibration of the room, bringing positivity and levity to a situation. You will have most likely always had a refreshing, philosophical nature and your opinions and perceptions may have often gone against the grain. You will tend to be more gentle and compassionate by nature with an uncanny ability to rise above and see the bigger picture.
We rise by lifting others ~ Robert Ingersoll
3. You feel your life purpose – even if you don’t know what it is yet
As a Light Worker, you are always being called upon to work, act upon and expand your light. Even unconsciously you will have always felt compelled to do this.
You will have and perhaps still do have a need to know why you’re here and what your life purpose is.
The Universe wants you to awaken so that you can start acting on your life purpose CONSCIOUSLY.
If you become a conscious co-creator you start to tap into your inner potential and open up your consciousness to possibilities. The only way you will limit yourself is through your self-beliefs and restrictive perceptions!
Knowing what your life purpose is, is very empowering especially if you can own it as such!
Shine your light so others can find the way ~ The amazing me movement
4. You may feel like you struggle to fit in
Many Light Workers who are aware and following their purpose, struggle to express what they feel inside and the way they perceive the world. This is because they need to own their inner power more. Their opinions can seem a little off beat and sometimes they appear to lack empathy because they tend to perceive struggles as opportunities for spiritual growth.
Because of this it can be difficult to fit in. You can sometimes crave connection but this can feel challenging because other people’s energy and words can really impact upon you.
You gradually come to realise that you have all you need within. Your connection with Soul liberates you from the need to seek sustenance outside of yourself and so connections and community with others becomes a joy.
From personal experience as we step more into our light, we learn to navigate these moments and find a universal language that allows us to communicate our perceptions with others, without inhibition.
To feel and maintain your soul connection, you need to spend time alone each day with your inner thoughts.
5. You want to save the world
Every Light Worker who is stepping into their light, will go through this phase of wanting to save everyone from themselves. Most if not all Light Workers are empathic and so they feel people’s pain & struggle.
This becomes a problem for you as you can become very drained and depleted. You are doing others a disservice because you surrogate them by not allowing them to respond to life in a self-empowered way!
Everyone has free will and not everyone is ready to start their journey of awakening. Acceptance of this is important.
6. You feel your shadow and are not afraid to face it
Your fundamental role as a Light Worker is to transmute darkness and density into the light. If you are mastering more of your higher gifts, you will have experienced a lot of challenges and initiations which give rise to your shadow self. Going through these challenging situations will mean you have hit your emotional and spiritual rock bottom.
Many Light Workers experience a difficult childhood so they can understand how to transition through the darkness and shadow.
Although Light Workers may dream of a life of flow and good karma, many of them haven’t had that luxury for the simple reason: they have needed to experience the darkness to learn to move through and transition from shadow to light. They learn to transmute pain and suffering for themsleves to eventually be able to support others to do the same.
This is something you may learn to do for yourself or you may reach out for guidance from a spiritual teacher, healer or coach.
Some Light Workers are also here to resolve their family karma and clear negative family patterning from generations of ancestry and lineages.
7. You are an empath
Not every Empath is destined to become a Light Worker, but I suspect that most, if not all, Light Workers are Empaths.
Empaths are highly sensitive and intuitive people who hold a lot of divine feminine energy within their patterning.
They therefore have powerful gifts of clairsentience, intuition, receptivity to energy and a more open psyche. It is almost like they know how to read other people’s emotions. Once they learn to discern between what is their ‘stuff’ and what belongs to another they make powerful healers and Light Workers.
As you think you vibrate, as you vibrate you attract ~ Abraham Hicks
8. A Belief in higher forces
You will have always felt that there is a higher force at play in your life. You will have felt the presence of God, the light or universal energy, but perhaps not always understood it. You will have always been interested in Spirituality and the meaning of life and will have experienced a deep spiritual shift and awakening. This may have been a rapid awakening or very gradual.
You may even be going through this phase right now. It can feel very intense, painful and you may feel like you are in the void and separate from loved ones. This is part of your awakening process and you may sometimes feel like you can’t handle it. Even though it may seem at the limits of what you can withstand, trust that there is a greater power re-aligning the energy in your life with your highest potential.
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and how to protect, work & expand your light!
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To dive in deeper & expand your light - check out our Divine Light Rising membership:
We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.
In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.
We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.
Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!
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