Why manifestation is a divine process
We ALL have dreams and desires. But many of these dreams never become a reality for us! When I work with clients I feel their inner potential and I get excited for them. BUT sometimes I can sense how their self-belief and self-talk keeps them small!
I know how frustrating this can be for us. As Light Workers, we do feel our inner power and need to be of service through our light gifts, but we often feel unable to move forwards!
Taking a deep dive on your fear:
Manifestation is a process that we all go through whether we are conscious of it or not. We are constantly co-creating our own reality in positive and not so positive ways. Our thoughts and our feelings have an energy and depending on what we are choosing to focus this energy on, we are drawing in more of the same!
Conscious manifestation is possible. Anchoring through our dreams into our reality is a process that we are all able to do consciously, but it does require huge doses of self-awareness, know-how, focus, dedication & inner work!
Where I see a lot of clients, myself included, struggling, is with self-sabotaging thoughts.
As soon as we set our energetic intent for change, fear raises its head! What blocks and limits us the most is our fear! We can talk ourself out of anything!
‘What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create’ - Buddha
Fear and self-sabotage – what is holding you back?
Do you distrust your own abilities? – then listen to your inner guidance
Do you feel unworthy – the ‘this is not for me’ syndrome? - then work on self-love!
Listen to your negative self-talk!! You are never ‘too old’, ‘too poor’, ‘too ill’ – there are always work arounds to every situation!
‘The struggle you are facing is a test to see if you are ready for the life you say you want’ - justtheticket.com
Use your fear to guide you:
It shows you where you need to make your changes & do your inner work
Pinpoint where you are leaking energy from the choices and actions you are making
You don’t always need big changes but pivotal changes!
Journal to get clear!
Check in with your inner dialogue!
BUT if one area of your life is out of alignment then everything else probably will be!
By tapping into your divine feminine and becoming more soul-led, you align to your higher self. Your goals & desires will start to manifest themselves. And so your job is to be open to receive & act upon your inner guidance.
‘It is YOUR time RIGHT NOW!’ - Denise Duffield Thomas
Set your energetic intent for change:
Setting your intent for the changes that you want to bring into your life is a big part of the manifestation process:
Gain clarity over what it is you want & desire – get specific & journal it
What feels natural and realistic to you?
Don’t keep yourself small but be more expansive in your desires, intent & actions
Set your intent and ask for guidance. You will be shown a way
‘This is your life! what are you waiting for?’ - Be Your Light
Changing your story:
It is time to course correct & reclaim your lost dreams! Release your judgement towards yourself & others and start to see the possibilities for yourself!
You are so much more than you allow yourself to be!
Keeping change sustainable:
Learn to trust and let go of the outcome – know that you have done all you need to do! All will come in its own divine timing – things can take time and will unfold in the way that they are meant to!
Sometimes we can have circumstances that play out in our lives and stop us from taking steps towards our dreams. Come back to them when you are ready!
Allow your inner Goddess to flow through you and work her magic! Have faith in this divine magic within you. You are the co-creatrix of your own life!
Manifestation is a divine process. For me it has gradually become a deep inner & spiritual practice, requiring a natural blend of both feminine & masculine energies and flow:
You need to be vibrationally matched with whom you are becoming
Have an unshakeable inner knowing & faith right down to core
Feel that you are worthy & ready for so much more in your life
Be in alignment with whom you are becoming
To learn more, access our free resources on the manifestation process. Fill in your details below:
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