How to master your emotions

After 1000s of years of suppression the divine feminine is gently and steadily on the rise again.

You are rewiring & reprogramming your internal workings & consciousness with more emphasis on BEING rather than DOING!

You are being pushed to go within and seek your answers rather then looking for external sources to guide you. In order to do this you have to go through a lot of clearing & cleansing of restrictive thoughts & feelings so that you can embrace your soul self and be more embodied in the way that you live.

This re-emergence of the divine feminine from within has been supported by rapidly shifting cosmological events. This celestial activity acts as a spring board for the cleansing of the mind, body & consciousness. Therefore a lot is surfacing mentally, emotionally, physically and even spiritually!

You may feel your rawness on all levels:

On the emotional plane - you may feel fear around your health, relationships, your sense of security. You may also experience resentment & anger towards others.

On the mental plane - you may be experiencing negativity, restrictive thoughts and limiting beliefs.

On the spiritual plane - you may have spiritual anxiety: lacking a sense of self, feeling unfulfilled, out of alignment and a lack of faith & trust with yourself & the Universe.

On the physical plane your long-term emotions start to impact upon the physical body, creating etheric blockages.

Your worry thoughts can feel so real, especially for Empaths & Light Workers, because you feel things so deeply! Many Empaths & Light Workers have been experiencing fear, anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness and even depression-like symptoms!

When you are feeling inner turmoil As an empath/HSP/Light Worker:


  • you can be overpowered & overburdened by your emotions

  • you can feel the energetics of other people’s words, actions & intent which can knock you off kilter

  • your hyper-sensitivity disturbs your equilibrium

  • you can sense any distortion from people who are not aligning with their truth.

When you are in the thick of darkness you canot see through the mud and you become confused, scared & alone. Being able to master more of your inner emotional turmoil is crucial because…

When you are faced with your inner demons:

  • you keep yourself locked into negative patterning

  • you live in the past

  • you feel overrun & out of control


  • you suppress your emotions

    Both are unhealthy and do not allow you to evolve! We have certainly become very good at not feeling our discomfort!



At night you feel your inner demons more because you are doing a lot of emotional processing in your dreamsate, and there are no distractions.

Your anxiety and relentless worry can really take you out of yourself. You become increasingly disconnected from your higher self & Soul. You are unable to shine your light brightly and yet this is the time you really need it to!

It is so easy to get caught in a downward negative cycle which is so difficult to break out of. This is disempowering for you as you tend to give your power away to your negative thoughts.

The struggle is real BUT it is part of who you are!

And from your struggles you can find pure gold! - Be Your Light

Your emotions are a beautiful guide & insight for you! This female aspect of yourself compells you to understand where you need to focus your inner work for self healing and empowerment.

One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself is surrender! - Julie Parker

The key to your healing from negative, denser emotions & turmoil is complete surrender and acceptance to your emotions through faith & trust. This process takes time & dedication! It is a state of being rather than doing.

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to success is found in your daily routine - C. Maxwell

Trust that what you feel & struggle with - makes you stronger! Be OK with not being OK in your discomfort because you will transcend it in this way!

Darkness feels never ending but it does shape you & strengthens your light! Your job is to learn to be quietly trusting & sit with it!

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We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.

In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.

We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.

Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!


Zoe Whitehead