How to establish healthy light boundaries
A lot of Light Workers tend to be Empaths and as you probably know, Empaths are incredibly sensitive to energy.
This sensitivity is a gift and Empaths are known to make excellent healers, space holders and energy cleansers. BUT it also means that they are easily impacted by their environment, the energetics of situations, crowds, dynamics, social media, etc.
How can you tell if you are impacted by energy?
As your awareness heightens you become more discerning of what is your ‘stuff’ and what belongs to someone else. You become very skilled at noticing when your energy is being impacted.
When you are getting impacted by energy and you are unable to protect yourself, you will experience one or more of the following:
A need to ‘fix’ others because you feel their pain so deeply
Feeling burdened, beholden & guilty because of feeling overly responsible for others
Feeling disempowered & preyed upon by the needs, expectations & demands of others
Feeling exhausted and burnt out
Emotional overwhelm
Onboarding other people’s ‘stuff’
An inability to release other people’s stories
Feeling anxious in crowds
People pleasing because of your low sense of self and self-worth
This oversensitivity to energy will leave you feeling drained and depleted. It is crucial that you protect your energy by becoming emotionally stronger and more boundried in your relationships with yourself and others.
Otherwise you will be left feeling burn-out, disempowered and disconnected from your higher self and unable to grow and step into your light.
To dive in deeper & learn to channel energy on yourself for light protection & revitalisation, check out our Divine Light Rising Membership
Why is it so important to be boundaried?
A lack of boundaries are where you leak most of your energy! Often you give your power away to others or to the situations in your life or to your own inner demons! Because of this tendancy, you might blame others or yourself when in reality you are the one that created the situation or dynamic in the first place, because of your lack of boundaries!
Why am I not being boudried enough?
Setting boundaries can be tricky for a lot of us. It can feel unloving towards others. You may fear their reaction when in reality perhaps stepping into your own power does not suit them!
You can struggle to set clear, healthy light boundaries because you:
are unable to detach emotionally
might not be discerning about energy vampires
feel beholden and find it hard to sever karmically
have low self esteem and a need for approval
have an oversensitivity to other people’s needs
have a feeling of over responsibility towards others
In which areas of my life might I need to be more boundaried?
There are many areas that you know you could be more boundaried and areas where you have no idea there was a need for it!
Check in with yourself by taking a look at some of the following areas of your life.
Are there areas where you may need to be a little more boundaried because you are experiencing discomfort?:
Your relationships
Your exercise routine - you may be exercising excessively or not making it a priority
Yourself - are you overdoing and leaving no time for rest, soul connection or creativity?
Over indulgence - do you overindulge with food, alcohol, social media, etc?
Friendships - are your friendships balanced & nourishing?
Workplace - are you over-reaching?
In our Divine Light Rising Membership we teach you the light techniques & tools to master the art of detachment, severing karmic ties and the power of heart mastery. If you feel ready for your next steps, become a Divine Light Rising Member today
‘Boundaries are your responsibility. You decide what is and isn’t allowed in your life’
Brittney Moses
How can I set light boundaries for myself?
First of all it is important to be aware of what is your ‘stuff’ and what belongs to others.
Check in with yourself regularly and get a sense of your own inner landscape.
Spend your time wisely with people who raise your vibration rather then lower it!
Work with this powerful affirmation to help you: ‘I give my time lovingly to those who honour it.’
Be clear on what it is YOU want and what makes YOU sing!
Learn to say ‘no’ with kindness and love!
Use the following soul searching questions to help you be more discerning on where you need to be more boundried:
Is this person honouring my light?
Am I honouring my light through my actions or time spent with others?
Is my cup being filled or emptied right now?
Is this person/task/situation what I need right now?
To support you further with setting your boundaries, get our free resources on severing karmic relationships & mastering the art of detachment:
To dive in deeper to your light check out our Divine Light Rising membership:
We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.
In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.
We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.
Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!