4 main ways that we limit our ability to hold our light

We unconsciously block our ability to hold our light as a Lightworker

One of the important aspects of being a light worker is your ability to hold your light and to hold a loving space for others and for yourself. When you are holding your light you are not in a place of judgement. You are heart-centred; you are balanced within yourself, in alignment with Soul and able to make decisions for the highest good of all.

Although being in this higher space is preferable when you do your light work, it is not easy to sustain in the moment especially if you are going through a challenging time and dealing with inner turmoil.

I have identified 4 principal ways in which Lightworkers, might be hindered from holding a space for themselves and others. These come from my own personal experience and from speaking to clients and members of our Lightworker community.

So here goes:

The 4 ways in which you are held back from holding a loving & light space:

1 Perfectionism

This is an oversensitivity to the demands & expectations of others. It originates in feelings of insecurity, a lack of self love, lack of a sense of self and low self-esteem.

These feelings are all incredibly disempowering for you! Dial into your inner dialogue and you may be surprised by what you are telling yourself internally!

Because of your tendancy towards perfectionism you may be:

  • finding it difficult to make clear decisions,

  • unable to trust in yourself or in your own judgement and in others

  • lacking self-belief!

  • paralysed, disempowered and unable to hold a space for yourself and others

  • unable to feel and connect to your sovereignty

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How can you begin to move beyond and re-route this limiting behaviour?

Awareness of this behaviour is crucial in order to change it!

The next time you suspect you are being perfectionist and therefore limiting your ability to hold your light, try taking a breath and a step back from the situation!

Ask yourself if the way that you are thinking and the actions that you are taking are serving you right now.

Is this taking you out of yourself and away from your higher purpose as a Light worker?

These types of soul quest questions enable you to drill down and gain clarity over what it is that drives you and will enable you to start to break the cycle of behaviour.

2 ‘Good girl’ tendancies

I believe we all have a little bit of this within us and some more than others.

This tendancy is usually born from childhood programming and the need to please and be seen to be doing the ‘right thing’ to gain approval.

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Some traits of the ‘good girl’ tendancy are:

  • low self-worth

  • lacking a sense of who you truly are

  • people pleasing

  • disempowerment

  • an inability to trust in your own judgement and intuitive sense

  • a need to seek approval from outside of yourself

  • a need to be doing the ‘right thing’

When you know who you truly are inside and out, you are able to harness this inner power and make decsisions based on your highest good

How can you reduce this limiting and disempowering behaviour:

-         Unschool yourself by recognising and unshackling yourself from childhood beliefs

-   Challenge your beliefs & misconceptions

-         Always check your intent behind your words, actions & purpose - is this serving you right now?

-         Express your desires and what it is you feel you need in the moment!

-         Carve out time to spend with your inner self

-         Do your inner daily practices for inner connection! Make them non-negotiable!

3 Not allowing yourself to feel your discomfort -

We do not like to feel emotionally uncomfortable, especially when we are clearing or feeling aspects of our shadow self! Most people have been programmed to ignore or even suppress their emotions. ‘Keeping ourselves busy’ has become one remedy for dealing with our emotional turmoil.

Because of this resistance to delving more deeply into our emotions, we have a tendancy to project onto others either by blaming them or the situation or by looking to others to ‘fix’ the problem for us.

By not looking within and taking on board our lessons we lose an opportunity to enhance our sovereignty and to grow and transform as a vessel of light!

A good question to ask yourself is:

‘Am I fully detached from this situation/experience/emotion or do I need more time to sit with it & feel into it to release it?’

By allowing yourself time to move through a negative feeling/situation, you are able to master more in the moment by holding your light for yourself and for others!


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4 Scattered energies

Western society tends to place great value on the external aspects of ourself. We are led to believe that the only route to living a successful and happy life is to put in the hard work and keep striving for our dreams. While effort and discipline are necessary ingredients, we also need time to go within and simply BE.

The act of DOING takes us out of ourself and away from our ability to simply sit with a situation and hold a space for ourselves and others. We tend to knee jerk and want to ‘fix’ things when often sitting still and holding our light gives us great clarity around something that may have elluded us previously.

I feel that when we are always in a state of DOING - we are not necessarily BEING. DOING has often become a way of avoiding feeling our discomfort and takes us out of ourself.

During the full moon phase of the lunar cycle we often get a surge of physical energy and it feels good to power ahead and get things anchored into our reality.

BUT always check your intent first! Make sure you are not over doing things to avoid feeling your discomfort!

You have scattered energy if:

  • you are not nurturing or honouring your Spiritual needs!

  • you are quite ungrounded and too in your head

  • you are unable to make decisions because you are not connecting to your intuitive self

  • you are struggling to focus your energy & thoughts


What to do if you have scattered energy:

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  • Slow everything right down!

  • Take a breath - pause & ask yourself the following questions:

    -         Is this serving me right now?

    -         Is this for my highest good?

    -         Or is this more avoidance?     

  • Have I created space today for stillness & inner connection?

Remember, you can always write down any ideas for projects and come back to them when you feel truly ready!

Find out how I found myself in a situation where I really struggled to hold my light and I I managed to overcome this and what I learnt from the experience. Get a free gift to support you in holding your light!

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We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.

In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.

We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.

Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!


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Zoe Whitehead