Are you living your highest potential as a Lightworker?
Did you feel your inner power rising long before you were conscious of your role and Light mission as Lightworker?
This seems to have been the case for many Lightworkers who feel they are here on Earth to tap into their inner power and potential and support others through the light they hold.
You have a purpose here on Earth to shine your light first and foremost but how you do it and which vehicle you choose depends on what you resonate with!
It does not necessarily mean you have to become a healer, spiritual teacher or leader. As a Lightworker you can shine brightly in whatever field of work or interest and in a way that impacts upon others and gives them permision to do the same.
A big part of being a Lightworker is your ability to hold your light and a vibrational space for others. This can be done anywhere and for anyone. Lightwork can range from simply holding a light for others to being a catalyst for unveiling untruths and breaking down illusion simply by radiating out confidence & light.
Although we might not know it, we all have a light purpose
I believe we come into this world with our light purpose imprinted in our blueprint. It is our responsibility to uncover this purpose. Some of us do and others choose not to. Clues to our light mission are embedded in the jobs, interests and passions that we gravitate towards. They also tend to be interwoven with the things we value the most in our lives.
Lightworkers all share this aspect in common. We are all incredibly sensitive to energy which becomes more enhanced the more light we hold. Other people’s energy field; your environment; the accumulation of denser negative energy and celestial activity (planetary realignments, meteor showers, eclipses, and lunar & solar cycles, etc) will all impact upon your light!
All of these energy sources will affect your energy field by either raising or lowering your vibration.
Your vibration will directly impact upon your ability to shine and work your light.
How to reach for your true potential
To continue to reach your true potential as a Lightworker it is crucial to:
be aware of energy vampires who will unconsciously deplete your energy
cut out the negative thought projection - i.e. negative and judgemental thoughts towards others
detach from the drama within and outside of yourself
learn to detach from situations and people with compassion, love and understanding
not take negative situations personally
rise above to see the bigger picture and opportunities to connect to your light
pivot your perception and see your challenges as a blessing and a beautiful gift
move away from the lack mindset!
be as open and honest as you can when faced with uncomfortableness
You might be feeling at odds because you sense your power, inner potential and your totality but you do not know how to move forwards with it. Know that it is OK and that you are always guided! Let go and trust in this divine process!
Know that you are always held, loved, cherished & gently guided
The Universe is gently guiding you with sychronistic events, signs and symbols. People come in and out of your life to teach you things about yourself that you were unable to see before and will have blocked your spiritual growth. When you don’t get your lessons, you are pushed and sometimes even catapaulted in different and unexpected ways!
Remember, we all have a purpose and a potential as guardians of the light, although we may not be clear on what that purpose is yet, be open & receptive to guidance!
To learn more about being a Lightworker and enhancing your light, I have a powerful FREE workshop.
Fill in your details below to get access:
To dive in deeper to your light check out our Divine Light Rising membership:
We are passionate about supporting Lightworkers to connect to and expand their light consciously so that they can be of service to others.
In the Divine Light Rising membership we have a detailed programme covering aspects such as Shadow work, being soul-led and working with light tools.
We also have a beautiful online sacred space for Divine Light Rising members. I facilitate sacred higher teachings and a high frequency healing every single week.
Everyone in the community supports and inspires each other on their journey of light. It truly is a beautiful space!
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