A deeper level of soul alignment

Humanity is stepping into the new age of Aquarius and experiencing these new changeable and volatile Aquarian energies that are really pushing us all to expand and align with Soul.

We probably all have our own definition of what Soul alignment is but putting it into sustained practise can be very challenging for us all.

Alignment means following our passions and often having to put ourselves out there in order to do this.  But it also requires us to honour our deepest core values. This allows us to birth through our spiritual gifts into our reality.

We are not all destined to become spiritual healers, teachers and leaders but many souls are waking up to and already stepping more into the role of lightworker or leading more of a spiritual way of life.

In order to do this more fully, we need to be more in alignment with our higher self.

Consequently our degree of alignment enters into all areas of our life: our relationships, career, interests, home life, raising our children and pets, what we choose to eat and wear and how we socialise.




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What are the tell-tale signs of misalignment?


When we are not in alignment, we tend to listen to others and even follow their advice which may be in alignment with their higher self, but not necessarily for our highest good!


When we are not aligned we can slip into panic mode and make knee-jerk decisions resulting in the loss of time, money and disappointment & frustration for ourselves.

Even if we are following our passions, we can still get pushed in our boundaries if we are not totally aligned. This can cause us to lose confidence and come off-centre more easily.

We can stop taking action and shut down which stops the flow for us.

We need to have faith, perseverance and trust in what we hold to be true for ourself.



How do we align with our Soul self?


Firstly, we need clarity on what it is we really want to bring into our life or to change.

It is crucial that we continually come back to centre, trust in the process and keep taking aligned and inspired action.

This is an ongoing process that is not static because alignment can and will change over time as we change within ourselves.

In order to gain clarity and be more aligned as a lightworker, healer, therapist or life coach and help people transform in some way - You yourself have to be more soul-led.


We can do this by:


·      spending time with ourself

·      journal and meditate regularly

·      ask questions of ourself such as:

what do I really want? What do I want to create? What actions are going to support me? What is going to be in alignment for me?

·      It is important to create a balance between what it is we feel strongly about & how we can serve others by bringing them huge value through it.

·      When we have created this balance, we will have alignment in our business, relationship, as a parent or as a Lightworker, etc.


Remember: the deeper our spiritual practice & higher connection - the more in alignment we become.


How do we create sustainable alignment?


Be open to what will help you connect in a deeper way to your inner world & inspire you. If you feel a greater sense of calm & harmony then you’re more in alignment with your higher self.

Remember: This alignment will feed through into all aspects of our life. BUT we don’t stay the same!! What aligns for us now – will most likely change over time!

Something may no longer be a part of our values anymore because life is never static & stagnant!

When looking for clarity over how to align - make sure that it is for us first & foremost and not simply to gain kudos at work, gain new clients or to make money!


If we are consistently feeling lost, frustrated and disappointed – we must look at why we might be. We need to really sit with these feelings - because they will give us valuable insight as to an aligned way forwards for us.

They are indicating that fundamentally we are not aligned – BUT it does not mean that we have to leave our job or relationship.

It might be signalling that a small but pivotal change is needed. We need to rise up and see what it is we are creating and working towards.

Our goal was in alignment with us in the past but now we have changed, it no longer serves us!

We might need a new goal or a change of direction!

So we allow ourself the time & space to see a new direction. It is not possible to change it all at once & straight away! This takes time and respect of divine timing and natural evolution.

Sometimes tweaks are enough OR we need to let go of certain people, things or situations in our lives.

We are not always meant to be connected with a particular person or situation forever!

Sometimes we can force alignment and this is such a waste of our time and a drain on our energy!

If something is not for our highest good then we need to let it go and move on.

We all have free will within this and letting go can be painful BUT also beautiful! We are creating an energetic space for something new in our lives that is far more in alignment with us for what we do is a true & divine reflection of who we are.


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Zoe Whitehead