Join me for my powerful ‘Inner Practices To Navigate Your Emotional Overwhelm’ Masterclass.

Discover how to identify & navigate your emotional flow; how to be inwardly guided & self-soothing, and bring more ease, certainty & grace into your life.

You can absolutely learn to navigate your emotional overwhelm & create inner calm for yourself!

Masterclass date & time: Thursday 17th October @ 19.00 - 21.00 GMT

Location: Educational Trust Cotesbach

Price: £25

Sounding familiar?

  • Feeling emotionally drained & depleted?

  • You are a ‘people pleaser’ &people fixer’?

  • You often feel fear, uncertainty & heaviness?

  • You struggle to return to a state of inner balance?

  • You struggle to hear your intuitive guidance & often feel directionless

  • You are increasingly reacting instead of responding to life?

What you’ll learn from my Masterclass:

  1. Why empaths & sensitives tend to struggle more than others

  2. Discover my powerful 5 minute self-nurture & inner practice for harmony & balance

  3. Create your custom plan to navigate your overwhelm

  4. Move with ease, certainty & sovereignty

Are you ready to support yourself?

Join me for this Masterclass and discover how I grew from someone who was suffering with emotional overwhelm, to being able to self-soothe & navigate my emotions with more ease.

Learn the steps I took to become more emotionally autonomous in the way I live my life.

Masterclass price: £25

Client love…

“Your masterclasses are so supportive. They bring attention to things I’ve known but hadn’t noticed or hadn’t connected to being an empathic Light Worker.

Plus I love the energy and focus of each one.

- H. Jackson

“Zoe’s teachings are fabulous and really keep me aligned.”

- L. Brown


How to book onto this powerful Masterclass…

Step 1 - Click on the button below & fill in your details

Step 2 - Check your inbox & junk folder for the Masterclass location details email

Step 3 - Add the date to your calender & join me on Thursday 17th October

This Masterclass is being hosted at the magical Cotesbach School House, near Lutterworth, Leicestershire.

Directions to the location will be e-mailed prior to the event. Refreshments will be provided.

Please dress warmly & comfortably and bring a blanket as an outside fire will be used as part of our ritual. Weather permitting.

Following this Masterclass, you will…

  1. Identify & navigate your emotional flow

  2. Be inwardly guided & self-soothing

  3. Bring more ease, certainty & grace into your life

If you deeply desire to become emotionally autonomousDO NOT miss this Masterclass…

Masterclass price: £25

I’m Zoe Whitehead,

I live in the UK with my husband, two sons and two dogs. Intentional, soul-led, cyclical living is my thing. I support 100s of empathic women and Light Workers to live with more ease, grace and flow by aligning to the Earth, Cosmic & Lunar cycles and to step into their highest expression of themselves.
