Are you setting your new intentions for this new year?
Why this is a significant time to make changes
This is an auspicious time for humanity. We have begun a new year, are at the start of a new decade and have entered the new age of Aquarius, a 1000+ year cycle.
The Aquarian energies, which are impacting upon us at this time as we anchor them in, are expansive, rapidly shifting, a little provocative, unpredictable & explosive.
These exciting energies enhance our uniqueness and independance but also challenge us to bring our uniqueness into group situations. We are being called upon to become more humanitarian, more environmentally conscious and more community driven.
This is our time to lay new foundations and new beginnings for a new us. It is also an auspicious time for spiritual growth and we are being called at this time to set our new intentions for change.
This feels very different to previous times, as we are setting our intent from a new place of knowing rather then going back over old ground!
We are being asked to focuss on what it is we do want going forwards, rather then on what we no longer want in our lives!
I feel that this is manifestation on a whole different level.
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Manifestation is a divine right/attribute or gift that we all have. We are all constantly manifesting, but are we doing so in the right way? The greater our potential the greater we can manifest!!
The Manifestation ritual:
1. Harness the new moon energy to kickstart your new intentions for change
2. Start with your divine feminine energies:
Check in with your inner landscape – what are your thoughts & feelings?
Gain clarity over the changes you want to bring about
Set your intent – write it down, release any blocks, revisit your intentions regularly.
3. Follow through with inspired action – (masculine energies)
Take concrete steps towards your changes!
This is so important otherwise dreams remain just dreams!
Look out for the universal signs that indicate you are on your way!
Honour them, respect them and most importantly be grateful for them
Look out for the pitfalls of manifestation:
Remember we are like magnets - what we sow is what we reap! Check into your thoughts and feelings. They have an energy that is projected out to the Universe and will be magnified and amplified as it is returned to you.
In order to manifest, you will need to take leaps of faith, time, money, etc
Always remember that as soon as you set your intent – fear blocks will surface that could halt your natural flow of abundance and manifestation!
You will need self-belief, trust in the process and faith in what the Universe brings through for you.
Sometimes the path of manifestation can be very convoluted! It does not always unfold in the way we think it should! So we also need to let go of the outcome – or we can block our manifestation process!
Tools for manifestation:
Check in with your thoughts and feelings regularly.
Feel that the magic has already happened and that what you desire has already materialised in your life. This is so important when we understand how much energy our thoughts and feelings actually have!
3. Use tools such as meditation or inner focus to help visualise your dreams regularly.
4. The use of crystals such as Garnet and Citrine are great manifestor amplifiers.
5. The recording, journaling and revisiting of our intentions at the full moon period is significant in keeping us on track with our personal goals.