How to support others energetically
How to support others energetically
Welcome to my blog:
This year of 2020 has brought a huge wave of change and transformation for all.
A chaotic and intense energy has ebbed and flowed throughout the year. This has been needed for internal clearing, reset and alignment with our deepest & truest self.
‘The time is ripe for personal and spiritual growth. BUT we need to lead with Soul.’
When we learn to surrender and to lead with Soul, we are more receptive to cosmological and Universal forces. This in turn enables internal shifts and allows us to step further into the role of the dedicated Spiritual Warrioress. A role that we ALL have the potential to embody.
A lot of people in our environment may be reacting or even over-reacting at this time because they are feeling the intensity of the energy. Remember, they feel the ups and downs as much as we do, BUT they do not necessarily have the understanding, wisdom and energy tools to support themselves.
This unique membership is for those who are ready to take the next step on their ascension path…
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Now more than ever, we must stay on our path and in pursuit of our spiritual goals. It is vital NOT to become distracted by those around us and get caught up in any emotional drama.
As Lightworkers, we need to check whether or not we are in the flow emotionally. Being aware of our inner dialogue to ensure we are keeping our vibration high, will help to support us and those around us.
‘Become that shining example to others!’
How to keep our vibration lifted:
always check our intent,
embody our beliefs by walking our talk daily,
taking time out for daily inner connection,
be more in our hearts,
be aware of our inner dialogue and emotional landscape.
When our vibration is uplifted we shine a light that we will all feel. Through this light, other people’s negativity will not be able to sustain itself.
Are we projecting onto others?
Are we being self-responsible?
Are we feeling overly responsible for others?
Are we ‘keeping others’ energetically locked in negative patterning?
Are we able to hold a vibrational space for them through our positive perception of them?
Are we continuing to judge them?
As Empaths or HSPs we have a tendency to surrogate others and we may also have karma playing out between us. This can feel very draining and depleting for us.
In order to fully support others, we need to allow them to respond to life in a self-empowered way – even if mistakes are made!
Everyone grows and learns through their mistakes and the challenges that are faced.
It is important for everyone to feel their limitations and face their inner demons rather then be totally reliant on external support. Ultimately, this is disempowering for them!
As Lightworkers, we need to learn to detach a little more from situations, circumstances and the people in our lives. This means that we will not be so impacted or feel overly-responsible for others.
It is also worth remembering that if we are still thinking about a situation, we continue to pick up on the subtle energies. The other person will be impacted by our thought projection resulting in the situation or circumstance continuing to play out energetically!
Guidance to help you hold your light:
not be in judgement of others,
remember to centre our self,
be aware of what we are focusing our thoughts on,
work with intent to let go of a situation,
use energy tools to help us detach in the moment,
establish strong energetic boundaries,
enable others to take ownership of their stuff by giving them physical and energetic space.