The art of surrender
We are ALL faced with challenging circumstances
We all have periods in our lives when we are faced with difficult circumstances. This is irrespective of who we are and how spiritually elevated we have become in this lifetime.
2020 is a year of huge, rapid change and transformation. This is a powerful year of cosmological activation and humanity is feeling the energetic impact. These initiations are coming thick and fast for many of us who need to instigate change where change is needed.
This reminds me of a well-known quote from the film Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks):
“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”
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I call these challenging times Spiritual Initiations. These are often triggered or manifest as:
a health-crises,
a job loss or demotion,
loss of a loved one,
a divorce,
an internal struggle such as loss of faith in the Universe,
an inability to connect with our destiny & purpose.
I have experienced most of the above and each time has felt intense and painful as the last.
Any difficult or potentially life changing circumstance will push and challenge us.
Challenging circumstances make us grow, shift & change
During these times of struggle, the shadow aspects of our personality tend to surface or become more amplified. These are the darker aspects of ourself that we like to keep hidden from the world.
During these times, we are given an opportunity to become more aware of them and to clear more of them.
The good news is that although intensely difficult, we have a golden opportunity to evolve on a personal and spiritual level through them!
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Surrendering to circumstances
The more we surrender to these difficult circumstances, the more we allow ourselves to accept the change that they bring.
The act of surrender does not mean giving up but more a state of acceptance and ability to rise above and see the positive outcome for all concerned.
Surrendering always allows us to breakdown more of our negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs, which restricted us from moving forwards.
I am sure, as you read these words, that you can think of at least several times in your life that you were faced with challenging circumstances and the way in which you responded to them.
A few years ago, a month after my Mum passed, I developed an infection at the back of my eye.
I was told to prepare for the loss of sight in that eye. It was a very scary and trying time for me as I was grieving but also frightened for my health.
I had no choice but to surrender to the circumstances. I became much more receptive to connecting to my inner world and using my spiritual tools to help me change the way I felt about my body’s ability to heal naturally.
With the help of natural medicines, energy work and visualisation, the infection eventually healed with very little scarring.
If I hadn’t had this initiation, I would not have the faith in myself and the Universe that I do have today!
9 guidance strategies when faced with challenging circumstances:
Establish daily a daily spiritual practice e.g. breath work, yoga, meditation are all ways to help us connect within.
Continue to rise above to see the bigger picture in all circumstances. All is divinely orchestrated for our highest good.
Give yourself permission to feel your negative feelings and to be OK with not being OK.
Set your intent to respond and not react in the moment to situations and circumstances.
Allow things to unfold in the way that they have to. Trying to control others or situations is exhausting!
Give yourself space & time for self-care. Make it a daily practice.
Set you intention at the start of the day to connect in with your higher self to get the guidance and support needed for a day of more harmony and flow.
Be aware that worry thoughts can cause a disconnection to our higher self - so remember to tune in as much as possible.
End your day with gratitude for all the good things you experienced - big or small.
The more we learn to traverse these tricky times, the more we grow and step into our inner power, ultimately moving through life with more faith, ease, grace & flow.
This has to be worth a few bumps along the way!
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