What is karmic wounding?


2020 has been a huge year energetically speaking



We have been experiencing a major energetic reset this year and are being cosmically pushed to throw caution to the wind and surrender to the shifts.

This is THE year for new ideas, dreams and opportunities. We have been pushed to be receptive to the divine whisperings and embrace the transformation.

Since the start of December 2020, we have been increasingly impacted by intense and rapidly shifting energies created by the eclipse season. The whole of humanity has been experiencing a lot of clearing, cleansing and shifting energy.


With these eclipse energies, many Soul Power Rising Community members, friends, family and myself included, have been feeling very depleted. Many of us have been experiencing headaches; mood fluctuations; unexplained transitory physical symptoms, sleep disruption, deep grief or sadness and feeling triggered by family members, friends and those closest to us.

A big part of the changes that 2020 has brought has included letting go of limiting emotions and karmic entanglement.

I feel that this year and at the moment in particular, we have a golden opportunity for the deep release of old karmic wounds.

In order to take a huge leap forwards in our spiritual growth and soul journey we need to heal these wounds.



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What is Karma and karmic wounding?


We have all lived out many previous lives and experienced many different circumstances, situations, traditions and cultures through these past lives, including our present one.

As a part of our soul contract, we will have lived out many of our previous lifetimes with the same soul group. We are also contracted to incarnate into our present lifetime with this same soul group.


If our experiences from those previous lifetimes are left unresolved, they will resurface in our present lifetime, in different ways.


We could have had a negative or even traumatic relationship with another person in a different lifetime that was never resolved.


The trauma and pain that was felt during this past lifetime, will be embedded deep within the cellular memory of our physical body; emotional and mental patterning, our mind and psyche. This is a Karmic wound.


Karma plays out between our self and another soul being giving us an opportunity to clear and resolve the trauma and pain that is deeply embedded within each of us.


How do we know when Karma is playing out in our lives?


Karma is most likely to be playing out in our lives if:


  • We are continually thinking about someone or a group of people.

  • We are often feeling fear, anger, resentment or judgement towards another.

  • Spending time with or thinking about a particular person feels negative, dense and draining for us.

  • We cannot explain why we feel the way that we do towards a particular person or group of people.

  • We feel overly responsible for another person.

  • The people that trigger us are not necessarily part of our circle of friends and family.

  • We find it difficult to remain detached emotionally when a situation unfolds with the other person.


What is karmic entanglement?


Karmic entanglement is the phrase we give to the karma that plays out between us.


Karmic entanglement makes it difficult to change our behaviour towards the other person. Difficult but not impossible!



Why it is important for us to clear karmic entanglement


When we focus negatively on another person – our energy will be impacting on them, through our thoughts and feelings.

The denser our thoughts and feelings are, the lower our frequency becomes. This impacts upon them and lowers their frequency.  

As they become impacted and triggered by our thoughts and feelings, they will sense this and will deflect that energy back towards us in the same way.

This will impact upon us and lower our own frequency twofold and create etheric webbing that will impact upon everyone around us.

Therefore clearing karma and karmic entanglement will break the cycle of negative patterning and bring resolution and peace for all concerned.


An energetic technique to shift karmic entanglement


  • Recognise when Karma is playing out between you and another person.

  • Before connecting to the other person through your thoughts, feelings or words, go within and centre yourself.

  • When more receptive and with intent, bring through the feeling of love for the other person and for yourself.

  • This will heighten your vibration and shift you into a more heart-centred space.

  • The frequency of your thoughts, feelings and words will reflect this shift.

  • Negativity cannot sustain itself for long.

  • It will empower and neutralise the energy between you and the other person.



If we can work with the higher vibrational feelings of love in this way and radiate love out to everyone in our lives, this will undoubtedly create harmonious relations, release limiting emotions and enable us to step more into our spiritual power.

For further guidance and energetic support to clear karmic wounds and improve your relationships, check out my ‘5 Steps to forgiveness’ Masterclass replay




Zoe Whitehead