Embracing our divine masculine and feminine energies
The Universe and nature comprises two aspects: the divine masculine energy & the divine feminine energy.
Each one of us also holds both of these energies within us but not necessarily in balance.
Divine feminine energy enhances our ability to:
nurture our self and others,
be gentle,
to feel love for another,
be receptive to energy,
be psychically aware,
be intuitive.
It is a fluid, unstructured, flowing, and inward energy.
The masculine energy enhances:
our ability to take action,
our ability to be disciplined,
our ability to be creative,
our ability to think logically,
our physical strength & endurance,
our ambition & drive,
and our intellect.
This divine masculine energy is a structured, action-orientated, outward energy.
The divine masculine and divine feminine energies come into complete balance within the Universe/Source and this manifests throughout nature in a cyclical way.
In Autumn and Winter, nature is in it’s divine feminine energy, inwards and resting. We have the least amount of energy and least amount of light. We feel introspective and quiet.
This is in preparation for Spring and Summer when there is more light, energy, growth, movement and creation as Nature shifts into its divine masculine energy.
We have much more creative energy at this time of year, our ideas are as ripe and fertile as the land. Everything is in full bloom and growth.
We are cyclical by nature but the demands and expectations of modern society has dictated otherwise. Many of us are in routine jobs which do not allow for the flow of energy and our body’s natural rhythm.
Our society is patriarchal and has been for many years. The masculine energies dominate. Many lightworkers have dimmed their light over time out of fear. Others have rejected the masculine and nurtured only their feminine energies but in hiding.
This is something that we witness with some spiritual groups and individuals who have (perhaps unintentionally) suppressed and disregarded the importance of the masculine energy.
People that only nurture their light will be doing their inner work and spiritual practice but not bringing it out into the world and therefore not truly embodying it.
We DO NOT need to be a spiritual leader, teacher or healer to be a lightworker but we do need to bring our light into the everyday and NOT hide it away. This is ‘working our light’.
There is a need to restore balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine.
Being in balance with both our male and female energies will help us shift into a more heart-centred way of being to live a more gracious and more purposeful life.
You will, I am sure, know of people around you that are either too in their feminine and will often be ungrounded, unfocussed, very in their heart, but find it difficult to complete tasks.
Or you will know others, men and women, that are too in their masculine. These are the real doers and action takers, thrill seekers, perhaps fairly bossy, very boundried, but not very intuitive or nurturing towards themselves or others.
The need for balance in our everyday existence
It is really important to be in balance when manifesting and co-creating a more desirable reality for ourselves.
We lead with the feminine energies of clarity & intuition and feel into what feels right for us.
We set our intent to visualise our goals and feel them to be already grounded and anchored within our reality.
Then we take the male-orientated action steps.
We can define goals and revisit them at a later date to see if we are on track.
Without these two female and male aspects we would not be able to co-create in the way that we would like.
Recently, my husband hurt his back whilst doing his daily weight lifting programme. This is something that occurs a little too often.
The world of weightlifting and gym workouts has always felt to me to be too much in the masculine.
It has an ethos of pushing oneself physically to the limits; constantly tracking progress, and results are driven by physical endurance and strength.
My husband doesn’t always know when he is at his physical limits and will often push himself a bit too far which can result in injury.
He tends to stop the programme and start a new one, which means that he is not making what he considers to be progress in his strength training. This causes him frustration.
He is realising the need to lead more with the feminine and be more nurturing and intuitive about what his body needs, so that he can stop before injury and increase his strength by sticking with the programme.
We really hope you enjoyed this week’s blog. These wisdoms are intended to open up you up to the magic & mystery of the Universe. To serve you on your path of inner & Soul connection and to help you embrace your true divine potential as a Lightworker.
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