Self-care for Empaths & HSPs during challenging times


This year of 2020 has brought huge change and transformation for us all on many different levels. This is a #4 year which in numerological terms signifies the creation of new foundations. We are anchoring in the high vibrational energy of the new age of Aquarius, a thousand + year cycle, for which humanity has been in energetic preparation for a long time.

Entering into a new age without energetic preparation is like attempting to run the London marathon without any prior practise!!

Over the last decade we have experienced the breaking down of old outdated power structures and institutions. There has been a gradual global shift in consciousness and we are becoming universally more heart-connected as we are impacted by these higher frequencies of the Aquarian age. Aquarian energy compels us to become more unified as a collective and more heart-based in our consciousness.

Humanity has become so disconnected from the heart. We often place importance on our outer reality, rather then strengthening our connection from within. Many of us have lead unconscious lives up until now, where physical experiences and objects have had far more importance for us rather than our own inner spiritual practices and connection.

Many of us are at home, living, working and still restricted in some of our movements. Because of this, our environment (our physical home, physical body, mind, soul and higher self)  has suddenly become much more significant as there are less outward distractions.

I have witnessed a lot of fear, resentment and judgement being released from the collective consciousness over the last few months as our world has been changing on so many levels.

Our level of consciousness dictates how we are able to cope with these changes. Rising above to see the bigger picture; not trying to control every aspect of our lives but letting go and surrendering are key in times of struggle. When we have little or no distraction we are often faced with our own inner demons. Seeing this as a golden opportunity to look at those things we struggle with and to let go and release them a little bit more is paramount to our ability to respond to life with more ease and grace.

When health is at risk – it is like the final frontier – we have to sit up, take notice and take action. We are all equally at risk of contracting the virus and we are all equally capable of using this time to turn our lives around.

As Lightworkers, Empaths and HSP it is important to continue to do our inner work & to shift what needs to shift in order to move forwards. In doing so, we become a beacon of light and role model for others, giving them permission to do the same.

It is time to ask ourselves as Lightworkers how we can be of service to others. Our thoughts, words, actions and intent impact upon everyone energetically. Keeping our thoughts, feelings, words and intent of a higher, purer frequency enables us to stay more connected to source for divine guidance and inspiration. We can also support our colleagues, friends and family members through our higher frequency words, actions, intent and stillness.

Our ego self or lower self struggles when our routine changes – but like a pet dog, we can teach our ego not to bark and overreact, but rather to listen. It is time to allow our ego to take a backseat enabling Soul to lead.

To help support you as a Lightworker and being of light, access my FREE resources for self-care practices during challenging times, chanelled through with Empaths and HSPs in mind.


This interview is packed full of juicy tips on how to shift our outlook on the Pandemic and some powerful Empath self-care tips for energtic protection and balance:

Some really great articles to help deepen your understanding:

Here is a really useful article about what it means to be an Empath:

10 traits of an Empath by Dr Judith Orloff:

15 signs you might be an Empath, published by Healthline:



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Zoe Whitehead