5 Ways To Step Into Your Purpose

FREE Masterclass ~ For connecting with your soul-self

Date & Time: 23rd Feb @18.00 GMT

Sound familiar?

  • Ready for transformation - but feel blocked?

  • Feeling out of alignment with whom you are becoming?

  • Feel you have a purpose - but unable to connect with it?

  • Moving with too much uncertainty & hesitation?

Here’s what you’ll learn from my FREE masterclass

  1. How to lean into your intuitive guidance

  2. My process to connect with your soul purpose

  3. Higher visioning & expansion work

  4. Your next steps to create deep-rooted & sustainable change


Free Masterclass

ready to step into your purpose?

Discover how I grew from someone who was suffering with low self-worth and emotional overwhelm, to being deeply connected with my soul pupose.

And learn the steps I took to become more emotionally autonomous and purpose-led in the way I live my life.



“Zoe’s teachings are fabulous and really keep me aligned.”

- L. Brown

How to access THIS powerful masterclass…

Step 1 - Click on the button below & fill in your details

Step 2 - You will be sent the access details to the Masterclass

Step 3 - Add the date to your calender & join me LIVE

(If you cannot join the LIVE you will be sent the REPLAY)


Following this Masterclass, you’ll…

Understand how to connect with your soul purpose

Be inwardly guided & receptive to your soul whispers

Bring more ease, certainty & grace to your life


If you deeply desire to connect to your soul-self & purpose, DO NOT miss this FREE Masterclass…



I’m Zoe Whitehead,

I live in the UK with my husband, two sons and two dogs. Intentional, soul-led, cyclical living is my jam. I support 100s of empathic women and Light Workers to live with more ease, grace and flow by aligning to the Earth, Cosmic & Lunar cycles and to step into their highest expression of themselves.
