This programme is high-touch and I therefore only work with 3 clients at a time.

If you’re feeling called to fully ignite your purpose, fill in your details below to be sent more information or to book a discovery call to discuss if this is the right programme for you.


Do you know your calling but are unable to step into it?

Perhaps you still doubt your own abilities & feel resistance through fear of not being capable of more?

Many empathic Light Workers are feeling their purpose! Despite their natural higher gifts and a deep need to be of service, many are unable to take their next steps in soul expansion because of limiting beliefs, core wounding & embedded patterning.

I work with soul-led Light Workers supporting them to take their purpose to the next level, by clearing limiting core beliefs and raising vibration so that they can magnetise their Soul purpose and embed their higher gifts.

I work with frequency at a quantum level. I help raise and shift energy to create deep alchemical change within and ignite your inner power & Soul calling.


This 1:1 coaching programme will:

  • work deeply with your shadow aspects

  • deepen your connection with Soul

  • unlock your higher gifts

  • progress you on your ascension journey

  • ignite your Soul purpose

You will be lovingly held & guided as you move through your limitations to embrace your purpose & power!



'Working with me will shift you in unrecognisable ways.'

Zoe xx

Founder of Lunar Light Worker


Clients & member stories

Jan in Bristol:

‘I decided to work with Zoe, after enjoying her other sites. I was seeking help in returning to my path, being an empath and lightworker, after going through a really dark period, and ignoring my gifts, to the point where I felt disconnected. Working in an intimate group with Zoe was just what I needed to rekindle my abilities and her Transference Healing sessions were amazing. Zoe is kind, understanding, and skilled, she is a marvellous teacher, and a wonderful human being.’

Sue in Leicestershire:

‘From the mess I was in to the person I am today has been a journey that you have supported all the way along and given me tools to enable me to be more of the best of me and move forwards with positive purpose.’

Lucy in Australia:

‘I just wanted to say thank-you beautiful Zoe and thank-you gorgeous cirle of light community. You are truly amazing and I really don’t know what I would do without our beautiful group. Just love our zooms and always feel so much better after I’ve seen you all and we discuss everything that is happening on all levels. Thank-you for making me feel like me, love you all.’

Jen in New York:

I am resting and processing. Thank-you for an amazing session. You are truly gifted. I love being here and hearing your wisdom. Being part of this group is the first time I have felt comfortable expressing my spirituality and felt understood.’


Annette in Derbyshire:

Donna in Yorkshire:



If you’re feeling called to fully step into your purpose,

fill in your details below to be sent more information

or to book a discovery call with me:


Come & connect with us @lunarlightworker on Instagram.

I share the most on there & I would love to see you…