Weekly Soul Whispers for Lightworkers

Feeling overwhelmed, oversensitive to people’s negativity or over-responisble for others?

My newsletter goes out weekly. It is packed full of my wisdom teachings around Universal workings, cosmic forces, and all things energy related. I share practical guidance on how you as a Lightworker can help support yourself and open up your consciousness to the mysteries and magic of the Universe.

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Sign up for the Soul Whispers newsletter and become a member of our thriving Soul Power Rising Facebook Community…Get daily Soul group card readings, Soul wisdom guidance & inspirational posts…


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    Hi, I’m Zoe Whitehead,

    as a Lightworker I get how hard it is to navigate our way through life when impacted by other people’s energy. Growing up and as a young adult I had no energy tools or the consciousness to support myself. I hadn’t even heard of the term ‘Lightworker’.


    Since my spiritual awakening, (which was very gradual by the way…we are talking snail’s pace here) I have been through many many shifts within myself. This has enabled me to discover my true purpose and do what I do best: support and teach other Lightworkers to step into their power through my wisdoms and energy techniques.

    Over the years, I have helped many women and Lightworkers, who feel their inner power but who have been unable to fully anchor it in because of their limiting negative patterning and emotional overwhelm.

    I am the creator of the Priestess Rising Membership and thriving Soul Power Rising Facebook Community. These platforms have both been created with the view of giving ongoing support to Lightworkers and women who are prepared to take those action steps to create sustainable change within themselves.

    I live in the heart of England with my husband and two sons. I love nothing better than connecting with the elements & getting divine guidance on my daily dog walks…

    You can unsubscribe at any time, I get that my teachings aren’t for everyone…



    Founder of the Soul Power Community