Access your

Moon Magik Toolkit:

This powerful moon toolkit contains all you need to get started with lunar living & alignment!

The Full Moon Meditation For Expansion & Growth

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

~ Work with this meditation over the full moon phase

Download The Moon Phases & Impact

~ A reminder of the different lunar phases & their impact upon you

Download The Soul Enquiry

~ Take a deeper dive into what is no longer serving you & get clarity over what you would like to co-create.

I wanted to remind you that our Lunar Light Worker Membership is opening up early and exclusively for those of you who have registered on the Moon Magik Masterclass!

We know you are committed to living in soul alignment & expansion.

And we want you to continue your 2023 strong, soul-led and elevated!

Our beautiful & inspiring Lunar Light Worker Membership will keep you aligned to your vision and highest expression!

If you want to embrace your light; raise your vibration by aligning with the Earth, Lunar & Cosmic cycles and become your highest version of you…

And this is what WE excell at in the Lunar Light Worker Membership!

then join me & your soul-sisters!

We will be alongside you to witness and celebrate with you as YOU create deep-rooted change for yourself & your family…


£26 GBP £21 GBP/month - (cancellation at any time)

Lunar Light Worker Membership
Every month
Every 3 months


Offer ends 11.59 P.M GMT Sunday 22nd January

We hope you enjoyed our

Moon Magik Masterclass!

In deep reverence of whom you are becoming!

Zoe xx

Founder of Lunar Light Worker