Lunar Light Worker Membership

Be the first to know when doors re-open


We are a powerful community of soul-led, like-minded women, who gather together & step into our highest potential by aligning with the lunar cycles and…

  • live moon rituals & practices

  • potent lunar soul quests

  • a close-knit community

  • lunar journal prompts

  • high-frequency healings, etc

I felt lonely as I was going through my awakening…

I know how lonely it can feel as an empathic Light Worker. Especially when we have no one around us who gets ‘it’ or perceives life in quite the same way as we do.

My awakening was lonely - I didn’t have a lot of support because no one around me really got the spiritual perspective and I was also templating something so new and unique. I’ll be honest - it was challenging navigating this alone.

As I stepped into my light work, I felt called to create Lunar Light Worker. I wanted to create a community of Empaths, Intuitives & Light Workers who come together to attune to the powerful lunar phases for deep change & transformation.

Learning to harness & understand the potent lunar vibrations and natural cycles and their energetic impact, allows us to surrender and flow with more ease, grace & sovereignty.

Have you found your moon tribe yet?

If you’re craving a close-knit Community of lunar-aligned & soul-led Light Workers, like you, then I would love to welcome you into our beautiful community.

In this online membership we come together to align with the moon’s powerful phases for clarity, insight, release & growth.

I cannot wait to welcome you into our intimate community and powerful sisterhood where I know that you will feel celebrated and connected on a Soul level.

We don’t open up enrollment to Lunar Light Worker often, as we like to protect the energy of the group.


Be the first to know when doors re-open


What is Lunar Light Worker?

We are a powerful sisterhood of soul-led, like-minded Light Workers, who come together each week to elevate our light by alignment to the powerful moon phases for clarity, releasing & intention setting.

It is a high-frequency space to amplify your soul alignment with beautiful new & full moon rituals, ancient wisdoms and high-frequency healings.


Who is Lunar Light Worker for?

This membership is for soul & purpose-led Intuitives, Empaths & Light Workers who want to amplify their light and align to the new & full moon phases allowing them to step into their fullest potential.

What does Lunar Light Worker include?

We gather at the full moon phase ~ for reflection & relasing rituals

We gather at the new moon phase ~ for powerful intention setting & manifestation rituals

To support this potent work, Lunar Light Members receive:

~ powerful full & new moon practices & rituals

~ lunar soul quests for deep group soul enquiry

~ high-frequency healings for amplification of light & purpose

~ powerful light tools & techniques

~ a powerful ‘buddy system’

~ full access to the Member’s Hub - a rich archive of potent light resources

How much is Lunar Light Worker?

£26 GBP per month

I’m not sure now is the right time for me to join, can I join later?

Yes, but REMEMBER, the Membership doesn’t open up often.

How do I know if Lunar Light Worker is for me?

This membership is for Empaths & Light Workers who feel an affinity with the lunar and cosmic vibrations. And who deeply desire to align with these powerful cycles for manifestation, intention, clarity & releasing.

I’m not sure I have the time to dedicate and commit to this Membership

This is a self-paced Membership and all the Live sessions are recorded and available for you to watch in your own time.

The Member’s hub provides you with downloadable resources to further support you.

The energy healings are run with the intention of working etherically on the Soul group.

I’ve joined a membership before and felt lost in a big group - will Lunar Light Worker be the same?

This is an intimate community of tight-knit Empaths & Light Workers so you WILL feel seen, heard and validated BUT never lost in the crowd.

How long is the Membership?

This community offers ongoing support for empathic Light Workers like you. We have long standing members who have been with us for a few years now. However, this is a flexible Membership which means you can stay for as long or as short a time as you like.



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