Your Eclipse Ritual Pack
The eclipse doorway is the active phase of eclipse season and is starting next Monday 25th March on the full moon. It will bring scattered & unpredictable energy.
You will experience a cosmic declutter & deep cleanse. Your shadow aspects will be on the rise and the next few weeks will feel deeply uncomfortable at times.
๐A powerful Eclipse Moon Activation (full moon rise in Libra on Monday 25th March) - Shift embedded & rigid patterning for soul code activation.
Listen to your Eclipse Moon Activation which is infused with current energies throughout the eclipse season for balance, light code activation & deep transformation.(Downloadable MP3)
๐A potent Eclipse Moon Enquiry for the full lunar eclipse Worm moon - dive deeply into this unique lunar enquiry for clarity, release, healing & intention setting.
Full Eclipse Moon Enquiry
Work with your Eclipse Moon Enquiry over the full moon phase to gain deep clarity, release & transformational shifts. (Downloadable Pdf)
For more information regarding this Eclipse Ritual Pack, please contact