Eclipse Ritual Pack-
The eclipse doorway is the active phase of eclipse season starting next week. It will bring scattered & unpredictable energy.
You will experience a cosmic declutter & deep cleanse. Your shadow aspects will be on the rise and the next few weeks will feel deeply uncomfortable at times.
If you are prepared for this doorway opportunity, you will harness the potent energy for transformational change and navigate the ups and downs with sovereignty.
Get eclipse ready with my beautiful Eclipse Ritual pack - includes:
💜 A powerful Eclipse Moon Activation (full moon rise in Libra on Monday 25th March) - Shift embedded & rigid patterning for soul code activation.
💜A potent Eclipse Moon Enquiry for the full lunar eclipse worm moon - Dive deeply into this unique lunar enquiry for clarity & release around what is holding you back.
‘Thank-you for everything Zoe, you are helping me so much to step into my power. I have so much gratitude for your wisdom & moon tools.’ Lucy
Eclipse Ritual Pack - £12.99 GBP