In April the Earth is being warmed by the Spring sunshine. We are surrounded by symbols of new growth - lambs, eggs and Spring hares. Nature is accelorating it’s growth but will be suddenly stopped in it’s tracks by icy winds and rain. This teenager-like energy feels brilliant yet unpredictable and full of the promise, newness & joys of Spring.
April has a strong theme of emergence & rebirth.
The eclipse season continues to bring it’s transformational energy with sudden endings & completion.
The sun is in Aries at the beginning of the month. Aries ruled by Mars, butts us into Spring action and begins the Zodiac. There will be cosmic tantrums in the form of eclipse energies & comets and these young, determined energies will stir up our limitations & insecurities for release.
Being soul-led and grounded is key when faced with powerful transformational energy. For we can easily slide into overwhelm.
My April Cosmic Moon Kit will fully ground & centre you and help navigate the ups & downs of your transformational growth.
My unique April Cosmic Moon Kit is now available.
Included in the Cosmic Moon kit:
🌔 A Prayer For Stillness & Balance - A beautiful prayer for stilling & grounding your energies (fully downloadable MP3 file)
🌔 A potent Lunar Enquiry for the new & full April moons - take a deeper dive into these unique lunar enquiries for clarity, release, healing & intention setting.
New Moon Enquiry & Full Moon Enquiry (fully downloadable pdf files)
🌔 Lunar Workbook for April 2024 - this workbook will help you gain clarity, release and understanding during this lunar cycle (fully downloadable pdf file)
Your April Cosmic Moon Kit will fully align you with:
💜 the lunations in Aries & Scorpio
💜 the powerful Eclipse & comet series
💜 the potent Mercury retrograde
💜 the expansive energies of April