Conscious co-creation


How to have the faith whilst remaining detached when it comes to co-creation

During this unprecedented time of social isolation, distancing and restriction on our movements, we are being compelled to make changes (many of them positive) to the way we live our lives.

Many of us are choosing to source goods from local markets and shops. Community support and connection has been on the rise and many of us are hitting the streets and local countryside for exercise.

Walking in nature can be very healing and restorative for us, especially if we are present in the moment and letting go of any negativity that may be surfacing for us. Practise saying with intent to negative thoughts: “I am not going to pay attention to this thought today. It does not serve me!”

Many of us are creating high vibing homes as our personal environment becomes more significant to us. An oasis of calm amidst the chaos can create a ‘bubble existence’ especially if we have unplugged from social media. When we go to the supermarkets it can be quite a shock, as we are bombarded with feelings of density and fear, which can feel tangible. As Empaths and HSP, we will be picking up on this density!

At the moment, I am consciously co-creating my reality. I am doing a lot of intentional inner work, visualisation and creative thinking to shift aspects of my life such as my ability to create more abundance and health for myself. Because of the inner manifestation work that I am doing, I feel that my faith in my own spiritual abilities is being tested greatly. I have recently had a realisation that I lack self-belief in my ability to connect to Universal energies on a deeper level and co-create what I desire. I have no doubt that potentially we can all co-create aspects of our reality through harnessing our inner world and I have achieved this in the past, but I lack faith in my ability to co-create on a  bigger scale. This I feel is limiting me. It is part of my spiritual empowerment process and a part of the process of manifestation. We have to clear our blocks first!

I feel I need evidence that what I am doing is working and I often want huge ‘in my face’ evidence. But we cannot control the outcome or specifics of this divine process. We set our intent and then we have to detach from the outcome and get out of our own way!  When we continually ask for a sign or a shift, we are sending out a strong message to the Universe that we do not believe in our own manifestion abilities!

The Universe is constantly sending us signs, symbols and situations. These are all divinely orchestrated to guide us. Recently I bumped into someone I know. Last year, he became a Christian and was telling me how much support his faith has given him, especially during this challenging time. His wife, although supportive of his faith, is a non-believer and still harbours a negative childhood experience of religion. He feels deeply that she would benefit hugely from becoming a Christian and he would like their children to be brought up in the Christian faith. I found myself telling him that when we truly embody our faith we lead by example. His family will feel the shift within him and will benefit from his positive approach and outlook to life’s challenges. It doesn’t matter that they join him in his faith or not. We all have free will but he needs to speak his truth and then detach from the outcome.

I went home and later that day had the realisation that I was not following my own advice! That I needed to do my manifestation work, then detach from the outcome and not be constantly looking for improvement which was simply anchoring in my lack of self-belief!   That same night, I had a poignant dream. In the dream I had met with a group of people and their dogs in a cafe. Our dog trainer was with us. The trainer had decided to drive somewhere but leave the dogs behind to see if they could find us. We found ourselves in the stairwell of a tower block. I was constantly getting up to look out of the window to see if I could see any of the dogs. But everyone else including the trainer were just sitting and waiting patiently. They knew that there was no point in looking as they had total faith in the dogs’ ability. I kept looking down to see how far the ground floor level was and I was afraid of falling. We had to keep moving to let people by.

Upon waking I looked up the symbology of the dream. A tower signifies our spiritual journey, the higher up we are, the more enlightened we are. Stairs signify the direction that we are seeking – down is the wrong direction for us and upwards is the right direction. It was clearly all about my inner faith in the co-creation process. Having faith in the direction I was taking and letting go of the fear of failure. By constantly looking for a sign, I was not able to connect to my inner world or faith and this was limiting my progress.

How perfect! We are being told everything we need to hear. Every seemingly chance encounter that we have, every conversation or teaching we happen across, is divinely orchestrated by the Universe to help us learn and grow. But we have to pay attention to these signs, especially if we are setting our intent for inner change! The more we let go of the outcome, the more we surrender to the divine forces at work in our lives. We connect and become receptive to Universal energies enabling them to flow within us. We manifest and consciously co-create from this place of connectivity.

Read the following chapter 6 from my book - The Toolbox:

Chapter 6 – Being the co-creator of your own reality

As our consciousness grows, we awaken more to the mysteries of the world and our own spiritual natures. Our faith deepens, and we are more able to master the higher aspects of our soul selves, such as our ability to manifest and co-create our reality. We gradually become more aligned with our destiny and purpose, whether we are aware of it or not.

Our destiny and purpose are often something that we would have spent hours doing aspects of as a child. It does not necessarily become a career for us all but can become a hobby later in life.  Indeed, some refer to it as their “passion” or that “thing that makes their soul sing”.

It could be as simple as being a good listener and a supportive friend - because that is what you love being and are good at.  Or you may have manifested a career in the humanitarian field because you have an incredible global vision and are passionate about change for good. Whatever it is, it is important that you recognise and value it within yourself, connect to it however possible and that you help your own children discover and value theirs! I hear all too often, people who would have loved to have gone down a path but felt they couldn’t and ended up in a job that they hate simply because it pays the bills and nothing more. That is not nurturing to the soul!

To be more in alignment with our destiny and purpose and start to co-create a positive reality for ourselves and our children, I feel it is important to do regular inner work to stay connected to our higher self. Manifestation and co-creation are a natural consequence of this.

In this chapter, I have included the following procedure that shows you how I combine intention, creative thinking, feeling and visualisation. I use these tools that we explored in the previous chapters to help me release negativity, create flow in my day, work through tricky situations and strengthen my ability to manifest.

This procedure is something I have developed for myself through my own research and experiences and is now at the core of my daily inner work. It helps keep me centred and in alignment with my higher self and my destiny and purpose.

I use this procedure first thing in the morning and throughout the day when I feel drawn or when I am struggling with someone or something in my life. I feel that any type of regular meditative/visualisation work is great practice and hugely beneficial in keeping us balanced and centred as much as possible. I feel that in these times, we all need tools and techniques to help us get through those times of struggle, that we all experience, however spiritually awakened we are.

For the past year, I have been suffering with a neck and back issue resulting from a slight scoliosis in my spine and collision impacts. I often have a stiff neck and back when I wake up which I manage to ease with a 10-minute daily yoga routine. However, I started to notice other symptoms developing, such as numbing in my hands, light headedness, pain in my neck and shoulders and migraine headaches. I have been seeing my wonderful Chiropractor who has really helped me enormously, but I felt I needed something to get me through those moments of despair and worry when the symptoms were intense. One day I had that trigger moment when I had been feeling dizzy and headachy and I could feel myself getting upset. I thought to myself, now is the moment to really put into practice all that I believe. I decided that I was going to simply feel love for my scoliosis and all the symptoms it was causing me. I was going to welcome it and love it and all the negative emotions that it brings with it.

And so, I did. All that day, I just focussed on a feeling of love for my body and this condition. I thanked the scoliosis because it was allowing me to embody all my beliefs and as I did so, I noticed the symptoms starting to ease off. This gave me the momentum continue and every morning I now start my day by visualising neurones as flashes of light travelling don between the vertebrae in my neck and white lighting all the vertebrae in my spine, one by one. The symptoms have considerably lessened. 

These symptoms may not completely disappear, but this doesn’t matter! What matters is that I feel like my body is very strong and healthy. This is the key to manifesting.

Whenever I feel a negative feeling come up or a physical pain that triggers a fear or a negative response in me, I try and feel only love for those symptoms/feelings. As I do so, I can feel them releasing. The higher vibrational feeling of love is so powerful. It helps you release any negativity and supports your healing. When you bring love into your heart, it centres you and aligns you with your soul self because you are in a total state of surrender and open to receive.

The heart connection procedure:

Note: The following procedure is more suitable for teenagers and adults.

Before starting this procedure:

1. Identify the negative thoughts that you have and that you want to release – e.g. habitual thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you.

2. Identify what it is you want to positively manifest in your life:

 e.g. resolution to a situation, letting go of negativity, more abundance, better health, attracting more business, etc

My morning routine to develop creative thinking:

My alarm goes off at 5.50 a.m. during the week and I spend around 15 to 20 minutes going through a process of creative thinking, feeling and visualisation, to help create a more positive reality for myself. This sets my intent for my meditative practice for the rest of the day. Now, when I am struggling with something, this process is my default response, perhaps not always straight away in the moment, but I always get to it at some poin

As soon as you wake up:

Clearing process:

1. Notice your feelings.

2. If they are negative, allow yourself to feel those feelings – do not attach your thoughts to them.

3. Bring love into your heart for those feelings and bless the situation over and over with intent. (I actually say those words to myself: ‘I bless you’). This process should start to release some of that negativity. You may even start to cry a little.

4. This higher vibrational feeling of love will allow the negativity to release.

- Keep repeating this part of the procedure to make sure you are clear of any denser, negative emotions that block the natural flow of manifestation.

5. Focus on what it is you want to positively manifest in your life for that day –

For example: more inner peace, resolution to an ongoing concern, the power of focus, more energy, more healing, etc.

 Whatever it is we are trying to create in our lives:

 ·       visualise the situation as though it has already occurred – construct a mental image in your head of the ideal situation as though resolved.

·       feel as though the resolution to this situation has already occurred for you – feel all the excitement, support, joy, love, that you would feel if this were the case.

For example: If you are stressed at work and don’t feel like you have a good relationship with your work colleagues – then see and feel yourself surrounded by supportive and friendly colleagues and feel love for the ones you already have.

If you feel a lack of abundance - feel what it feels like to be driving an expensive car, or booking expensive holidays and simply feel abundant because of all the things you already have in your life.

be creative with your thoughts but remember to feel as though the desired situation has already manifested itself!!!

·       intend to co-create your reality today.

·       be grateful, for all that you have manifested so far in your life and for all that you have. Feel so much love for yourself, for all others and the Universe!

·      be thankful to the Universe for its guidance and loving support.



·       Be prepared that changes may not occur immediately as they may need time to set up vibrationally first. They may not occur in the way you have visualised them. We must let the Universe do its job and trust in this process by letting go of our need to control.

·       Recognise the signs and the shifts when they occur – be grateful and have faith! They may well be like little miracles and act as confirmation that you are on the right path and that what you are doing is working for you and your higher good.

·       Don’t let your ego take control. When manifesting, we can sometimes become obsessed over the outcome. We concern ourselves with the ‘how’s’, ‘what’s’ and ‘whys’ when we need to simply set our intent, do our inner work, take inspired action when needed and then let things unfold naturally – it is the Universe’s job to take care of the ‘how’s’.

·       Sometimes our ego wants to manipulate, and we start to make demands of the Universe. The Universe responds to love not to manipulation!

·       Take inspired action when drawn or pushed to do something. Remember you are being divinely guided.

·       We can make the mistake of attachment – “if I had more money, I would be a lot happier!” The Universe and the Law of attraction do not work like this! This focusses us on lack! 

You may well experience some resistance to this process because you are so used to thinking and feeling in a way. To a certain degree, we are all addicted to our negative thoughts and feelings! Being aware of this allows you to clearly see your resistance to change. This clarity will hopefully not block your natural flow of intention and manifestation.

This heart connection procedure can be adapted for younger children. Talk to them about the magic power that we all have within us. This power is so magical and so powerful and all we need to do is know how to release it. Tell them that it can only be released when we are feeling love. Love is the key to releasing this internal power.

Tell them to feel only love for something or someone that they may be struggling with. That is all they must do. They may want to touch their heart button to activate white light from the heart and blast the person or situation with this white light that only works with love.

I would use words to this effect to explain to them this heart connection procedure. They may not understand at first. The more you use it and practice it for yourself, the more powerful you will feel its effects to be and this will give you the momentum to naturally find the words to teach it to your children and remind them to use it for themselves.

Activity – making your own vision board

Another great way to help us stay connected, set our intent and co-create our dreams and desires is to make a vision board for ourselves. This activity is suitable for all ages. Younger children may need help making their vision board.

You will need: A cork board or frame to put your pictures onto; magazines, access to the internet, felt tips, glue and board pins.

Vision boards are a great visual and creative tool for developing the flow of manifestation and focusing on personal goals.

They are very visually appealing to children and adults and are always a pleasure to create.


Creating a vision board

1. Help your child identify some goals that they would like to achieve. Short term goals work better for younger children.

2. Write them down in succinct statements e.g. in the case of my son - “I would like to improve my football skills”.

3. Write those goals as an affirmation e.g. “I am a very confident and skilful football player”.

4. Source pictures from the internet or magazines that illustrate the desired goal e.g. a keen footballer could find pictures of his/her football heroes, stadiums, football kits, etc.

5. Ask your child what they would love to hear said about them if their goal had been achieved. Add these as slogans to the vision board, e.g. “confident player”, “great team player”, “fantastic skills”, etc

6. Find other inspiring phrases that support those dreams, e.g. “best goal ever”, etc.

7. Plan out where to place the pictures and slogans on the vision board before gluing or pinning them onto the board.

8. Cover the vision board in images and slogans and place the board somewhere visible so that your child is reminded everyday of their personal goals.

This is a lovely activity to do with your child and other members of the family. You will find that the goals will change as time goes on and the vision board can be altered to reflect this change.

For adults and teenagers, it is important to remember when working with your vision board to:

·       appreciate or celebrate each step made, however small, towards achieving the goal;

·       imagine that the goal has already been achieved and really feel it to be the case as much as possible – this is key to the flow of manifestation;

·       if working with the vision board brings up any negative emotions, for example, frustration, simply recognise this feeling and feel it without any attachment;

·       feel pure love for any negative feelings and thoughts as they are simply coming up to be released and cleared.