Stepping into our Spirituality
This month of May 2019 has brought with it a new energy that feels very different to the steady, slower paced April!
We are now experiencing a faster paced and somewhat erratic energy that moves through us in waves that we need to learn to ride. Making sure we rest in the quieter, integration periods is important, as we have a tendency to push ourselves to the limits. Honouring ourselves in this way during these times, will really help to support us this month.
This new energy has been feeling very expansive and Soul is often in the fore front. Personally, I have felt very connected to my higher self recently.
We are all being given many opportunities to step up into our spiritual self and it is therefore crucial to keep seeing the bigger picture at all times. This practice has really helped me a lot over the last week, especially during chaotic times when the energy has been peaking.
We are learning to expand and act with confidence and be guided by our inner voice. This is a power period for projecting out love and embodying our spirituality. As our awareness expands, we learn to trust in our instincts, freeing ourselves of worry or doubt. As the veil of uncertainty lifts, we will be more certain of our spiritual self.
I run a Beyond Doorways healing on the Whisper Tree Community at the start of every week. Beyond Doorways is a set of procedures that have been channelled through by my teacher, the Founder of Transference Healing, Alexis Cartwright.
At the beginning of this week, as I channelled through the energy, it felt like we were being given opportunities to step into our power but in a more heart-felt, loving and compassionate way. We are learning to walk our talk and embody more of our higher, spiritual aspects.
The message that is coming through loud and clear for our Community, was not to wait for others or outward experiences to create our joy and inner peace. These are heart-felt aspects that can be created by us, through the power of our thoughts and feelings.
This month we are being driven to hold our light, by holding a space for ourselves and others. In other words, we are learning to enable others to be true to themselves. We are slowly letting go of the responsibility that we feel towards others and simply guiding them in a loving way, allowing them to grow and learn through their own mistakes.
Nurturing and honouring ourselves with acts of self-love is also important at this time. We can do this by valuing our beliefs; speaking our truth; not suppressing our sense of self around others and standing our ground with loved ones in a gentle but strong, heart-felt way.