How to decode our dreams


De-coding and understanding our dreams


Our dreams are a gateway to our subconscious mind. We cannot easily tap into our subconsciousness mind during our wakeful state and yet it is the subconscious mind shaped by childhood experiences and past life aspects that drive our beliefs, ideas, perceptions, behaviours and decisions. 

Our dreams, therefore give us insight and understaning as to why and with what we are struggling with over the previous couple of days. They help us to find resolution to existing concerns.

Our subconscious mind prioritises what needs our attention by bringing it to the forefront of our dreams, much like our conscious waking mind helps us to prioritise our daily taks. 

Our dreams are a rich and largely untapped potential for many of us. They allow us to gain insight and resolution to difficult circumstances. They send us messages in the form of symbology – so that we can find solutions. 


Ways in which we can decode our dreams:


1. Upon waking up identify which emotions you may be feeling. If they are negative then try to link them to recent events over the last two days.

For example - if you are feeling fearful - what happened recently to trigger that fear within you.

2. Remember the story line of the dream. This will give you insight into your current emotional state.

For example -  if you dreamt that your husband/wife/partner cheated on you, you may be feeling betrayed by something or someone at the moment.

3. Another way to understand our dreams is to look at the symbolism of our dreams. We seem to dream of seemingly random objects which often make no make sense to us. 

However, when we start to decode them and make sense of them, they become a powerful source of information and guidance for us.


For example - we dream of a dog. For one person a dog may represent loyalty, a friend for life, something trustworthy.

But for another person, a dog might represent something that is ferocious, angry and aggressive. 

Take each symbol that you dreamt about in your dream and think about what it means to you or what feelings it invokes for you.

Each symbol will represent an aspect of yourself that you probably need to either bring more of into yourself or release.

For example: a dog may mean that you are being a little too aggressive at the moment or you may need to surround yourself with trustworthy, supportive and loyal friends.


You can use a dream dictionary to help interpret the symbology of your dreams – but remember to be discerning about how you interpret each symbol. If you resonate with the interpretation then that’s fine but if you don’t then it is not the true interpretation for you.



Repetitive dreams

Both children and adults can have recurring or repetitive dreams. 

As children especially, we may have dreamt of monsters or people chasing us; insects in the bed and dreams that generally brought up alot of fear for us. This simply meant that we were doing a lot of processing and clearing at that time.

If you have children that are waking up regularly and still feeling the fear of the nightmare then talk to them as though the dream is still going on.

You could say something along the lines of:

‘Let’s build a wall so the monster can’t get to you’. Use their very active imagination to help them weave a different scenario and change the dream.


A few tips to remember:

We all have between 4 to 5 dreams every night, but often we wake up and don’t remember anything at all about them. In fact most of us do not focus on them at all!

The more you pay attention to your dreams, the more they will come through for you.

If you have been struggling with a particular situation or person, then just before going to sleep at night – ask for guidance in your dreams in a way that you will understand.

Write down your question and be specific. Whatever comes through for you will be perfect for you!



Zoe Whitehead