Setting your intent as goals for 2017
Hi and happy New beginnings to you all! I hope you had a magical Christmas and New Year celebrations!
I have our card for the week, which is salmon. Salmon is telling us that we could be seeking direction and meaning behind our current circumstances and feelings. We could be seeking Universal truth and in the process of making life changing decisions.
Salmon allows us to tap into our inner knowing and and flow more with the opportunities as they arise. It also gives us the courage to take the necessary steps to achieve our goals and aspirations.
Now, I thought it was the perfect card and confirms my goal setting urge for this year :-))
I have been, for the first time, setting goals for this new year/cycle. Not only have I set them, but I have written them down as it feels like I am anchoring them in and setting my intent. This to me feels more like an energetic commitment, if you like...
I've tried to be more more specific by setting deadlines and thinking about what it is exactly that I'd like to manifest more of or achieve.
I've also set the intent to revisit those goals often to see if I'm on track or not and what to do differently if I'm not.
I feel its really good to have dreams but to make those dreams a reality, to anchor them into your physical reality, you have to not only 'action' it but feel like it has already happened too!
Happy goal setting!!